Well, you have to assume that he is still alive, something which I doubt. He isn't exactly a hard man to track, being both so tall and needing so much medical equipment. The machinery he needs to be kept alive should be easy to track to any country where he could hide out (all being rather lacking in the medical equipment industry). There has been a distinct lack of conclusive evidence about his survival. The tapes have all been rather vague, if not imposters. The Taliban has much more to gain by pretending he is still alive, and not dead in some cave.
I'm most likely going to vote Bush, who I see as the lesser of two evils. At least Bush is honest, which counts for something. Not to mention the situation in Iraq. If the United States pulls out completely, the situation will be worse than when we started, if we take the proper time needed to set up a government, at least that will be something. Besides, it's only four more years.
Why not vote for a third party ExtremeRyno? I'd vote for the Green party, just so they get the 5% of the vote needed to receive federal matching funds. It doesn't mean I want them in office, but I think the two-party American system has gotten stale, they need serious compitition to shake things up.