Own up... WHO killed DAC???

DAC wouldn't be worth visiting anyway. They lost a LOT of files during the migrations from server to server. The smartest people moved to RPGCodex, if you haven't heard of it you should check it out.
Where've you been megatron?

Anywho, I'm not planning to join any new boards any time soon. I've got 4 I frequent daily, and that's more than enough to read.
I used to get all my news from DAC until they just sort of stopped.....So back then the news was sort of split evenly between the two. :) But since DAC went to hell last year, NMA now does all the news.

The subtlety of the "all" in my other post was...Ehrm...:::digs self farther into hole::
There is zero factual information and lots of speculations. There is no guarantee that the game won't be canned for economic reasons or because it didn't get the expected enthusiasm from the potential consumers. It will take at least 12 months and probably twice as long to complete the development process, and a lot of things can go wrong.

Are you suggesting that DAC is supposed to run two years on rumors alone?
EyeMaster, I have to agree with APTYP, even if I respect your loyalty to DAC.

Forums change with the people who post and while those who admin or mod a forum can influence how that forum runs, at the end of the day much depends on the ability of that community to maintain a following and to evolve.

DAC has been sputtering for almost a year now. The problem lies in either the management or the posters, or a little bit of both. Perhaps DAC has just run it's course and should just die off. The renewed interest in FO 3 might attract some interest, but the community needs to do more than that.
Yeah, I sort of agree that DAC should die...Wait..It is essentially dead, except for the few of us still on the board..But we all have accounts here as well, so no real loss. :)