Pack for mapper2 users


Art by Phoenix-Private
A while ago, I posted this, in one of the NMA news threads:
Fallout 1 in my Fallout 2? It's more likely than you think! Fallout Et Tu Alpha Release
Perhaps stuff I've included in my mapper will be useful for other modders, so I'm sharing a pack (it's in .7z format, by the way, which is a default for this program) : Pack-Z238.7z

Not everything is 'new', just letting you guys know, before the amount of files leave you surprised. In fact, a lot of files are mirrored graphics from the original artist, like the last image, below:


I hope someone finds them useful, for their projects.
Cool. Do you happen to have these in frm format?:)
I always had an angle/position problem with the Animator program, for example:
One of the things I changed was the Hubologists' cross. I removed the circular 'frame' from it.
After I convert the sprite in Animator, and place it in one of the maps (in the official Mapper), on a wall, I don't like the outcome. When compared with the default cross symbol, it is clear the position is incorrect.
Another example is the cabbage, I made a variation of the default sprite - a rotten cabbage. But when I place it in Shady Sands, it's in the incorrect position, when I place it next to the fresh cabbages, it's not lined up.
Sorry for using BMP/GIF format. It's easy to convert the files, at least.
You have to change the frame offsets. FRM Animator can cut the image file down to the smallest possible size, which then in the game can lead to what you describe.