Paint Rock Forum ( In Character )


First time out of the vault
Thread for in Character Discussion of the game Paint Rock.

This is also the place to negotiate trades and other such in game interaction between characters, Only rules are you have to stay in Character and if you are out of town ( captured, On a long quest ie a quest that takes more than a week outside of town ) then you cant post in here, as you are out of town.
I would like to open todays meeting with regards to the offence carried out by one, samuel levy, on jesse one of our female farm hands. There is no doubt of his guilt, what we are here to decide is his punishment. I have drafted some suitable punishments and hope the community can set some kind of standard with todays ruling.

Option one is death, these are harsh times and we need only people we can trust in our community.

Option two is exile, fir the same reason as option one only this brings the risk of retribution at a later date.

Option 3 is a labour gang, the prisoner will be forced to work for the town doing menial and labour intensive work untill he is deemed to be safe to roam the streets.

And lastly we impose 10 lashes and release him back into the community

We have no legal system in place as a town and this will set a benchmark for the future so pick wisely please.
I say we kill him. Releasing him back onto the streets will only leave him free to rape again, it is the same with the other punishments. Perhaps if we had a prison, things could be different, but we have to set an example.
Marshall agrees^. With no prison/jail to house the dangerous criminal, we have no choice but to make an example and hope to curb crime. Kill 'em.
The Decision has been made, the will of the council will be carried out before the new week begins.

This Case is closed.
Right lets all settle down, today we welcome a visitor from the town of Jahova which lies north on the 83, some of you have met them before and others havent. please let him say his piece before we open up the floor to you.

" Right, my name's Chuck and im second in command of the Sons of Jahova. i wont go into much detail but were a millitant order based on the idea that a man who helps a man will reach enlightenment at the end time "

" Christ i aint no speaker, so i will just out and say what i need you to hear. My order is fighting a war against a gang of slavers and raiders called the Raiths, and to be truth we are losing. What i have been asked to get here is an alliance with your town to fight them, while it may seem like it isnt your problem, should we lose you will have a large gang of Raiders and slavers no more than two days walk away with nothing stopping them heading south "

" Or to put it another way, together we could win, or at least survive. i dont care much to think of what will happen should we fail to help each other "

" thats me done, im not comfortable with this talking, im a man of action but if Ben tells me i need to talk to you i will, because he is my leader and he dictates the path "

Chuck sits down

Ok people you have heard what they have to say, i open the floor to you.
Well, the enemy of our enemy is our friend. When they need soldiers, I volunteer to lead the dispatch. The death of one of our own this week was my fault, and I need to atone for it. I'm so very sorry to those of you who knew him, and I hope you can forgive me.
Chuck stands again

" Its danny isnt it? "

" let me ask you this, how the fuck did you expect us to treat you, you captured one of our farmers and interrogated her, we then find you skulking about around town like a fucking spy, had we been a bad group of people we would have slit your damn throat and left you for rat bait "

" i buried 5 friends in the last week, one of them i have known for 10 years, we shared food, women and fought side by side for the faith for all of those, he was in all ways my brother. and you complain you were treated badly? were in the middle of war for our lives stupid sonofabitch! "

he sits down again, his anger barely held in check.
"I didn't capture her I asked for some god dam questions.We also lost on of our own when they were trying to find me you bastard."
"Perhaps we all calm down. We don't want to sour relations between the two towns, especially if there's a bigger threat. As I said, the one we lost was primarily my fault, I made a bad call, he died for it. I get we've started off on the wrong foot, but we should accept that we both didn't know better, and that we should work together now. Isn't that right, Mr Mayor?"
Robert looked to the Mayor for some support.
The Mayor Stands

" it would be appreciated if you two would hold your clear dislike of each other in check while we try to figure out how we proceed, if something happened between you two i want you to keep it to yourselves, because right now we all have bigger concerns "

he pointedly looks at both Chuck and Danny

" i would also love to know what Marshall thinks of all this, no decision will be made without his input "

" These wont be easy negotiations regardless of the decision we come to "

He returns to his seat.
"The man's story [Chuck] sounds oftly truthful. I knew them Slavin' bastards were up to no good.. But look Chuck, i know u came here looking for some friends to help ya'll out and all but we aint in no shape to fight a war." Marshall pauses abit to gather his mind.

"If you could send us a few rifles or pistols our way it'd make a world of difference around here.. less men would have to hunt to keep us goin and I, too, would pledge to band up with you guys against these bastards. But its gotta be a give and take friendship or this aint gonna work, ya understand? My first job as a man is to keep our people alive and well and shitty tents aint cuttin it. all im gonna say" Marshall speaks his mind and feels relieved to express it with hopes of change on the horizon.

"thank you. oh and Robert, aint your fault buddy... guy freaked and got himself killed."
Chuck stands again

" I know this aint the best way for our two groups to meet, an i aint pretending that there is no selfishsness about whats im doin here but i have been given some things to offer and ask for in advance "

" My order are warriors, but we are not well equipped. We have all the crude spears we could ever need but very few guns. First we will send a batch of 20 spears to thid here town, in return we ask that you take 15 or so of our people and let them live and work here on the land. Jahova is too damned dangerous right now for anyone not ready to fight."

"In return we ask that you send us food to keep our troops fed while we continue the battle, i wont pretend this is all we need but its a start. "

" thanks for hearin me out "

Chuck returns to his seat
"well i for one say its a good deal. we'll stock up on spears for hunting and fighting, probably get good yields without so much injury... but with more newcomers we really need to get the southwest farm annexed and working a.s.a.p. The rain is comin soon and itll wash out any seedlings that aint took yet so we're running out of time. looks like ill head out there and do get rid of those 'rads. Robert, you want to join me? you got experience with water and you could help in that department. up to you though" Marshall says.

(sry for the poor caps, celltyping is a test of patience :))