So I place about 5 sentry bots outside the SAD, and a plethora of aliens/wanamingos on the EPA main level (which makes sense since that is where they originate from).
Err, I personally wouldn't go with those ideas. SAD is fine if accessed during the New Reno stage (provided you don't rush straight to new reno which all the repair and science checks are for), but the bots weren't ment to be fought at all (unless you want XP / a fight).
And EPA is also much better as a mid-game location than a late game one, due to the main reward being an NPC which are rather useless if gotten too late. Well, if you just want more fights for yourelf and you tend to access them after you've geared up to your teeth, then yeah, k, but EPA is sorta nicely constructed as a "easy to get in out of combat" fight topside, no fights untill the end w spooky atmosphere, fine mid-game fight at the end with foreshadowing. If you play the aliens card right at the beggining it looses half it's charm. Guy who made it just overdid the loot XD
(In general, most of the maps and mods I've seen made tend to massively overdo loot for some reason. People treat it like scenery and use it to fill empty spaces. Most tend to overdo scenery too XD And one of the best fights in the game is the direct opposite, the wannamingo mines - tough beef gate fight you need to prep specificaly for, reward - 1000 gold, small bits of random junk here and there, one metal armor mk II. And you'll still do it, too, because it's XP, and it's cool.)
EDIT: I've just playtested EPA as the last thing before San Fran, Mariposa and Navarro. It's IMPOSSIBLY meh. Phobos put a nasty electronic lock on the loot chambers (I had mk II lockpicks by then), but if you get there w combat armor and sniper rifles that place is meh, meh, meh. I've seen a lot of grumbling on other boards about the RP being "shit" (that hard grumbling) mostly based around the "restored content sucks" and finger pointing at the EPA, and the thing is EPA doesn't work at all as a late game location, but is a very cool and great mid game location (or rather, with proper loot tweaks, a place you visit several times, but the most fun I had with it was on a playthrough where I went redding after modoc and then straight to it first thing after the trip to New Reno from Broken Hills on the scouting run).
Main issues with that place are the loot (phobs fixed it with proper lock), the obscurity, lack of proper hook from redding on an early redding path, and the fact they plopped it in the middle of a late game encounter zone so reaching it is pointlessly difficult (compared to the actual content of it) etc. With a few slight tweaks to the non-main loot, a few tweaks to the random encounters around it (or it's worldmap location) and a pointer in redding it would fit right in. Maybe locking off some details behing a skill / electronic lockpicks wall, but make accessing the NPC's doable at the same difficulty as it is now, late game only NPC's are a thorughly failed concept.
Deffinitely not a late game location. Doesn't work like that at all.