Pathologic - the Game

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Seen at RPGCodex. Crazy Rooskies;

Pathologic looks terrible. It's a Russian game from 2005, looking like it's from 2000 at the best. But I love how it looks. The FPS controls are awkward, the side-step idiotically slow... like, er, stepping sideways is. Traipsing around the medium-sized city is slow and frequently dull. But there's a reason for that dull journey, and I keep walking. The translation is often extremely poor, descending into unintelligible gibberish. But it contains some of the best writing I've ever seen in a game. Following the plot is often impossible. It's the most interesting and deeply clever plot in years. My poor little head.

Greatness and suckage combine to form Captain Planet! Seems to be the European trend, re; Gothic

Check out the innovations;

You have twelve days in the town, you are told. There's no pretence that it's not defined. The people don't know, but they only exist because of you, you're told. But you knew that too. You're the player. And this is no one-off smug reference at the start. Every night, after midnight, your quest log clears, and the Masks at the local theatre puts on a play based on your day, and your internal turmoil.

Each day lasts a few hours of real time, with key events occurring when they occur, whether you're there or not. If you're not, someone important might not survive.


I busy myself until then, visit some areas I'd not yet checked out. It's 9.30pm so I head over to the overgrown train yard. No one's at the entrance, so I walk around the back of the vast building, to where a couple of carriages sit on a track leading out of town. And from out of the mist, three patrolmen and... the Executor. Silently shaking his beaky head at me. My heart sank. "Oh shit," came out my mouth. And I told them I'd not try to leave again.

That's Pathologic.


The understanding of the theatrical works of Bertolt Brecht is so very clear. This is a game that wants to create critical self-reflection in its player. It's always a game, and you're not allowed to forget that. It wasn't a mysterious bird-figure blocking my exit at the train station. It was the Game, telling me no, this was an edge, a literal and metaphorical invisible wall past which I could not cross. This is a game of metaphor made literal, that hopes you'll listen and explore the metaphor in your own world. It's Brecht's Verfremdungseffekt. (Yes, twice in a week. Random events segregate non-randomly). And it does this not to try and look clever, but because it is clever.

Conclusion is "too broken to buy", with bad translations, outdated graphics (they look fine to me) and bad gameplay. 'cept the bad translations, I don't have a problem with much of that.

Thoughts? Anyone played it?

Has anyone heard of this game? I'm reading the Review and from what I can tell, it's one of the most startlingly intelligent games of the 21st century.

Anymore info on this game (particularly if you've played it) would be greatly appreciated.
It sounds right up my alley. While it might be impetuous of me, I have ordered a copy from Europe. If there hasn't been much else by then, I will report my experiences.

Reminds me a bit of Shadow of Destiny, though more sophisticated from what I can gather.
Tannhauser said:
How is your Russian? Could you play the original version and avoid a dodgy translation?

Probably not. I'm on the level now where I can read short stories by Tolstoy or Lermontov or other "simple-style" Russian writers, but I can't read Pushkin, and I still need a dictionary to read a newspaper. So I might be able to do that, but only by supreme effort and patience.
Awesome! Unfortunately, I live at college and so internet usage is 3c/mb, but it'd be great if you could tell me how it is (I've heard the translation is pretty terrible, but I'm usually pretty good at figuring out the meaning behind mangled sentences).
Well, I've been trying out the demo, which is a bit confusing because it seems to start in day 4, you can't save but there's a number of savegames throughout the game you can use to start at any point.
Here's some observations:

The graphics are outdated and sometimes ugly, but for the most part they work really, really well with what they have, and occasionally the style is frikkin' brilliant. Just wait until you run into the birdmen, or infecteds.

If you don't understand what the article I cited means with the closer connection between player and PC in this game, try to get infected.

Translation is Frith awful, but not so Frith awful that it interferes with understanding what's going on or what dialogue options to choose. You just have to try some interpretative reading.

I haven't played long enough to really get the whole way the underlying storytelling mechanics work, and I don't think the demo version is very handy for doing that. I'll have to find the retail version.
That's settled it, I'll try and get my hands on it next week when I go home. Thanks Kharn.
What a creepy game...Seriously, there is something really disturbing about it. If you have enjoyed Dark Corners of the Earth, then this game is probably for you.

EDIT : just to clarify. It's not the same type of game at all. I was just saying that if you have enjoyed the atmosphere of DCOTE, the super-creepy little town etc, then you will probably love this game. There is something really haunting about it, so much so that you soon forget about the FUGLY graphics. Only played it for two hours yet but man, I love it so far.
There's a translation project thats on hold while they finish their new game, but I nevertheless feel like giving it another go. It was really frustrating trying to get through it last time I tried but I again feel like it's going to be worth the effort.


Did you ever get around to finishing the game Kharn?
I gave the English version a try, but the translation is just awful. Most of the time it seems like the translator completely misinterpreted the original text. I can't find the Russian version anywhere, though. And I'd have to pay three times the price if I were to order it from Russia :(
Specialist said:
Did you ever get around to finishing the game Kharn?


And it's...difficult.

I'm currently replaying it on this computer, but it locks up at times. Kinda annoying.