

Most useful advice here.

If your good at something, never do it for free.
Oh yesohyesohyesohyes!!! FUCK YOU, LO PAN!!!

This is something I've wanted to do ever since my first encounter with the bastard. There is a long string of bugs, that led to this gif image, but to everyone, willing to feel the same thing, I can send the save game. The Chosen One TRIUMPHS! Heheheheeee.

It's all legit, no trainers and crap have been used.

Phew. Finally. I know there's mistakes and such, but I don't have any strength left for this. So you'd better like it. On a side note, this is the hardest thing I've ever attempted.

Very nice, glad to see more from you. :D

Yup, that's what I did early in the game. Encounter two fighting parties and sit back and enjoy the show. Jump in at some point for the experience, and, of course, loot the bodies. :lol:
the Pancor dude is awesome. VD doesn't look very interested though.

nice one!
Ha ha,
reminds me of those times when i was just starting the game and hoping for this sort of encounters so i could loot all of the losers stuff. I like how the chosen one`s just chilling and waiting for his opportunity to scavenge. Cool pic.
The picture is way too busy and cluttered. Other than that, I'm in love.
I've been lurking around for some time, but it was not until a personal message from Mystral came, that I realized, that I hadn't psoted for a while. This is what he said was his favourite FO1 scene.

love the vault overseer look.

gotta say that at first it wasn't totally clear that the VD was holding his SMG behind his back though. the triggerfinger is rather funny :p
Love the style, want to see moar.

And btw. yeah, that triggerfinger looks a bit wrong.

Maybe some other ideas on future images:
- VD who takes the waterchip from Necropolis
- VD talks with Harry
- ew.. more I don't know right now.
Who cares about the triggerfinger, this is great! Damn Overseer...

Awesome job as always. Glad to see you're posting again. :D
At first I couldn't see what was going on. My depth perception was fucked.

Then it came into focus. This is awesome.
Ha ha ha !

Seriously, when the lawsuit war is ended, you should make a handbook and submit it to the winner as the concept art of a futur fallout anime...