PC Gamer US previews Fallout: New Vegas


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
And yet another preview with even more details on the next Fallout game. This time, Ausir has posted a summary over at The Vault<blockquote><ul>[*]The box on the first page of the preview names Bethesda as both the publisher and the developer, while the article text itself gives due credit to Obsidian and discusses the devs' work on Fallout, Fallout 2 and Van Buren.
New California Rangers wear modified LAPD riot armor. The trenchcoat guy from the teaser is identified as one in the article.Gun modifications will increase damage, ammo capacity, accuracy, rate of fire and more[*]The player will be able to have two or three companions in their party[*]With Raul the ghoul in your party, you'll start to pick up clues that he's more than just a simple mechanic[*]Unsurprisingly, deathclaws and radscorpions are mentioned[*]From the screenshot, Fore! indeed looks like an attack on the head, not groin, as mentioned in an earlier preview[*]The dinosaur casino is identified as Dinky the Dinosaur[*]NCR is described as large and powerful but bureaucratic.[*]Chris Avellone: "It's a very amusing location design-wise. Vegas is like a whole city-wide amusement park. We can play on different themes, different styles. It's fun for the artists, it's fun for the designers... I don't know how much fun it's going to be for the programmers"[*]J.E. Sawyer: "The Karma system is mostly the same as in Fallout 3, but checked less often. Mostly we rely on reputation, because that's what people know. Karma is just a general indicator of how much of a sonofabitch you are. If you murder people in secret, your reputation doesn't go down because no on knows you did anything, so you can maintain a good reputation but your karma has tanked really heavily. Karma does influence some things, but reputation is usually what most people in the world base their opinions of you on."[*]Avellone: "We recognized that one of the strengths of Fallout 3 was that so much of the game revolved everything around Washington, D.C. That's your signature city. And to be honest, adventuring in post-apocalyptic D.C. is interesting. You're like, OK, I get it. I know what D.C. is like in the real world, I'd like to see what it's like in the real world when mutants are running around in the streets.
So, if we have a western version of Fallout 3, what's a key signature city that people will immediately gt when they hear the title. And also, what's interesting to us? So individually, Vegas came up for a number of people without a community discussion about it. That kept coming up. So we said, OK, if within this small sample group that city keeps coming up, and we understand why, that's the city to use."[/list]</blockquote>
J.E. Sawyer said:
The Karma system is mostly the same as in Fallout 3, but checked less often. Mostly we rely on reputation, because that's what people know. Karma is just a general indicator of how much of a sonofabitch you are. If you murder people in secret, your reputation doesn't go down because no on knows you did anything, so you can maintain a good reputation but your karma has tanked really heavily. Karma does influence some things, but reputation is usually what most people in the world base their opinions of you on.
Thank god, no more all-seeing eye that was in Fallout 3. Why don't they just drop Karma altogether though?
I don't even want Raul to be in my party anymore. With all the reading about stuff you won't have to play the actual game anymore. I think they kinda spoil too much deep information.
companions remaining as actual characters after you recruit them is a pretty big step up for fallout 3 :)
randy Mc rupp said:
I don't even want Raul to be in my party anymore. With all the reading about stuff you won't have to play the actual game anymore. I think they kinda spoil too much deep information.

I agree. There were even more spoilers in another preview. Like different ways to finish specific quests, I don't want to know that. Guess I should stop reading previews.
A Girl said:
[*]J.E. Sawyer: "The Karma system is mostly the same as in Fallout 3, but checked less often. Mostly we rely on reputation, because that's what people know. Karma is just a general indicator of how much of a sonofabitch you are. If you murder people in secret, your reputation doesn't go down because no on knows you did anything, so you can maintain a good reputation but your karma has tanked really heavily. Karma does influence some things, but reputation is usually what most people in the world base their opinions of you on."

I'm very happy to read that they decided to do it this way...
This is what they should have done in Fallout 3 in the first place...
That PC Gamer and PC Games thing is really getting me confused.

The player will be able to have two or three companions in their party
Great news! Though if it's dependent on Charisma, it's most likely imbalanced, because in Fallout 2 you got one follower for two points in Charisma, and one follower had about the same combat abilities as you. In Arcanum, it was really imbalanced, because every follower was as strong as you - this means that having a party of 4 people (you and 3 followers) makes you almost twice as strong as if you had a party of 2 people (you and a follower), and the points you spent on something else didnt make up for that lack of two followers, in fact they had little effect. And yet, I don't care that much for the balance. Fallout 3's version was way more balanced than Fallout 2, but it sucked more.

With Raul the ghoul in your party, you'll start to pick up clues that he's more than just a simple mechanic
This ruined the whole fun and excitement of knowing this in game. Please, include spoiler warnings for the stuff that spoils the game in your next newposts.

From the screenshot, Fore! indeed looks like an attack on the head, not groin, as mentioned in an earlier preview

J.E. Sawyer: "The Karma system is mostly the same as in Fallout 3, but checked less often. Mostly we rely on reputation, because that's what people know. Karma is just a general indicator of how much of a sonofabitch you are. If you murder people in secret, your reputation doesn't go down because no on knows you did anything, so you can maintain a good reputation but your karma has tanked really heavily. Karma does influence some things, but reputation is usually what most people in the world base their opinions of you on."
I like that. Now please tell us you've removed the interactable objects in the world and rewritten stealing.
@A girl's avatar

I hope Dexter kills her in the next season that bitch is fuckin' irritating. (at least the actress learned to speak relatively well by the 3-4. season)


Whats the point in giving away spoilery info in a preview article?
Glad they're not paying much attention to karma, it's a stupid concept which doesn't really fit a world of moral ambiguity.
Reconite said:
Lingwei said:
Oh my god. What a stupid concept. Can't developers think of anything decent nowadays? Sometime I just wish we could have a time machine or something to transplant game development from 1996 to the present day. All this stupid 'change' and 'evolution' is ruining gaming.
What. :eyebrow:

As some might put it "he's taking the mick." My troll senses are tingling.

A Girl said:
The player will be able to have two or three companions in their party

If this is once again based on Charisma this is good news. It should balance out SPECIAL that little bit more, assuming the companions you can get aren't over powered bad asses. Now they just have to fix the companion AI. I can't tell you the number times Dogmeat had to travel half a mile to get around a foot high rock.

I hope this also means Bioware esc banter between companions.

A Girl said:
Sawyer: "The Karma system is mostly the same as in Fallout 3, but checked less often. Mostly we rely on reputation, because that's what people know. Karma is just a general indicator of how much of a sonofabitch you are. If you murder people in secret, your reputation doesn't go down because no on knows you did anything, so you can maintain a good reputation but your karma has tanked really heavily. Karma does influence some things, but reputation is usually what most people in the world base their opinions of you on."

Good news here too. Looks like Reputation is going to be an important part of New Vegas. I prefer games with moral systems like this.
Of course it has been. After all, how many Rauls can there exist in the history of the world.
Ausir said:
As for Raul, it's been speculated that he's the same person as Raul the Navarro mechanic from FO2.
Well it is possible, after all radiation caused by Oil Rig explosion with right wind could get to Navarro. But ghoulification is slowly process so I think that Raul probably would be dead not ghoulified.
Mistrz said:
Well it is possible, after all radiation caused by Oil Rig explosion with right wind could get to Navarro. But ghoulification is slowly process so I think that Raul probably would be dead not ghoulified.

What if he killed Xarn, used his carcass as clothing, but then through intense irradiation caused by the hyper-multiplificitude of the hide coupled with its curative properties, the ghoulification process takes root.