PC Games for 2008

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Shacknews has a fun little article up looking at the 2008 PC releases, including some titles we'll be following.<blockquote>Fallout 3
Bethesda Softworks
PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Will it be the Phantom Menace that taints the franchise, or the Empire Strikes Back that only enhances it? Either way, Fallout fans will be on the edge of their seats for Bethesda's effort to create a new post-apocalyptic experience using a first person perspective.

Gearbox Software
PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Inspired by Mad Max and Diablo, this first person science-fiction post-apocalyptic shooter with RPG elements is set to offer a mouthful of concepts. Fully randomized weapon arsenals and four player co-op stand out on the feature list so far.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
GSC Game World
PC, Xbox 360

A prequel to this year's ambitious but flawed S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Clear Sky promises to refine the systems of its predecessor and deliver brand new dessicated lands to S.T.A.L.K.

id Software
PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Okay, so we don't actually know when id's post-apocalyptic and mutant-filled open-world shooter will arrive. That said, we can always keep the hope alive, right?</blockquote>As said before, it's the age of the post-apocalyptic bandwagon.

Link: The Year Ahead: PC Gaming in 2008.
With the time it take to develop a new engine it is no surprise people like Bethesda and ID are just reusing what they have, and probably Gearbox.
Actually ID's Rage works with a brand new engine which will first be used by that game. Borderlands and Rage are new licenses so you can hardly blame Gearbox and ID for developing first person shooters...Bethesda, on the other hand...Uh, nah wait, Fallout is also "their" licence. Shit we're screwed.

Post apocalyptic FPS with RPG elements with coop sounds good to me btw. Very few games with coop out there.
Bethesda Softworks
PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Will it be the Phantom Menace that taints the franchise, or the Empire Strikes Back that only enhances it? Either way, Fallout fans will be on the edge of their seats for Bethesda's effort to create a new post-apocalyptic experience using a first person perspective.

It'll be the compilation of the last 3 movies - Loads 'o shit!
Will it be the Phantom Menace that taints the franchise, or the Empire Strikes Back that only enhances it?
let it not be Attack of the Clones ;) Especially Oblivion clones :)
4 games 4 shooters, good, it's about time these development companies tried something new and fresh! :wink:
Honestly, I think at this point FO3 looks like it's going to be the equivalent of those horrid Ewok specials. Even comparing it to the travesty that was Star Wars episodes 1-3 is kind.

A bit more seriously: anyone else getting reaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyy tired of the FPS glut? If I could somehow take away the money that others are paying for these things so the oh-so-brilliant marketing departments of video game companies could get it through their thick skulls that it's time for a bit more diversity in play style, I'd do it. As it is, I can't do anything more than boycot.... which I've been doing for years anyway.
its times like these and people like those at bethesda which make me wish the world was engulfed in nuclear fire. :|
side note: i'm always comforted by the fact that if you blow the shit out of an artificial moon in orbit around Endor (or whatever the name of the Ewok infested planet was), all the debris will be pulled in by gravity. blowing up something that big, is bound to leave fucking big chunks of material, so DIE EWOKS DIE!
Stag said:
I was under the assumption that the Ewok planet Endor was, itself, a moon?

***One Wikipedia search later...***


Impact damage

In one of the Star Wars Tales comics,[1] an Imperial veteran of Endor makes a reference to the theory that the moon was devastated by the impact of falling debris ( :mrgreen: ). Another character dismisses it as a myth, saying that most of the Death Star's mass was obliterated in the explosion, (Bullshit) and that the Rebels "took care of the rest (more bullshit)."