sorry to reply a bit late maddog but i've been away...
MadDog -[TO said:
-]BTW, my friend is coming Thursday with a Geforce.. he says he's had a lot of customers with radeon problems lately.
there have been quite a lot of third party cards with problems lately, Asus more than any other. they make very good motherboard but they suck when it comes to 3d cards.
i dont know if powercolor has had the same issues, but a lot of 3rd party manufacturers have had problems with 9600XT cards.
MadDog -[TO said:
-]If that doesn't work, a few guys I know say that I should get a 500W power supply... I thought 420 was enough. It *should* be enough....
to say it bluntly: those guys know crap about powerconsumption. your 420W is already overkill, the 500W would be plain stupid (unless your planning to throw in a 6800Ultra and some peltier cooling running off your PSU or something...
your pc would run perfectly on a 350W PSU. i've been assembling pcs for friends & family for about 10 years now, actively helping out people on forums for about 5 years and i'm now part of a hardware site for about a year now.
all this aside, as said before, it is not because your 420W is strong enough that it cant be faulty. it could have instable voltlines and such.
cant you just ask a friend for his PSU for an hour or so and test it? it's the easy way out to rule out a faulty PSU...
have you decided on your new cpu cooling yet? you might wanna post here first before actually going out and buying