I have been recently hearing more and more about this, and i chanced upon a good documentary by BBC which really explained it all thoroughly. Amongst many different examples and explanations that mostly concern USA, but not in some paranoid anti-american way, more in a here-look way, there were many scientist who are in that business, working for many of the companies and Institutes who monitor and research oil on planet earth.
There were big conventions, some international symposium on oil and literally everyone of them spoke about Hubbard and how its not some distant future anymore.
The thing is that there will still be oil somewhere, however much we leave by now and the next few years, but the costs of taking it out will rise and continue rising until the cost becomes greater than the gain. Than the drilling stops.
(which they do because when you have to pump oil from the deepest parts of deposits is much more xpensive than just punching a hole in the ground where there is a full underground lake. The deeper you dig the more expensive is every gallon.)
It seems Hubbart took some serious calculations and measured it and found out that we are over that peak when we were drawing highest amounts for mninimum investments. Now we are going downhill where the costs are rising and there is less and less oil everyday.
On those kind of slopes with whole of our not only economy but civilization suspended on extraction and spending of fossil fuels like mad, there can be no certain numbers.
But that number of five years is indeed the most pessimistic, so they've said too. 10 years seems like a shore shot tho.
Just look how much influence oil has on a world market or single countries. It is one of the cornerstones of economy.
Deeply conected with everything, it rises the costs of everything and then economy becomes a chaotic system even more than it already is... and crisis cause crisis and who knows when exactly it will break, and then the major shit starts when everything stops and whole system goes shebang.
No circulation of goods across the planet, no travel, no food or water because every pound of cargo suddenly costs a fortune.
No electronics from taiwan, no cheap stuff from china, no this , no that.... even transporting food inside a small state like mine would cost ludicrous amounts of money.
Oh yes money...that stops too i think, with such crashes.
And then shortly afterward the nukes start flying.
Every scientist on that convention agreed with those numbers Hubbert got long ago, and were amazed how nobody wants to listen even to them now. It was kind of funny seing them in his role now...they kind of expected to more people to listen to them.
Since 2003 in my dear country the gasoline went up in price 300%.
It didn't become cheaper not even once for five seconds.
And when i just look around further i start to see their point.
Even if we went behind Hubbard peak who would tell you?
Some official type of people?
Not those waging wars in Middle east because of oil right now.
And past few years.
I think ill start to get ready these next few years. Luckily i have a good idea. Sailing will become even more popular soon.
Sorry i cannot tell you any names now, forgot them all, but ill try to find that documentary again.
It had a strange name....something about American suburbans...or just suburban ...something...
Besides if you google M. King Hubbert you'll get enough info for a start.
As for making it more part of the story...i dont now, but i think it would maybe be good if intro showed our times too, you know Fallout way, ironic ...sad.... because it is happening now and we are going to play it and ...you know that it all comes together somehow. Still thinking about that.
There were big conventions, some international symposium on oil and literally everyone of them spoke about Hubbard and how its not some distant future anymore.
The thing is that there will still be oil somewhere, however much we leave by now and the next few years, but the costs of taking it out will rise and continue rising until the cost becomes greater than the gain. Than the drilling stops.
(which they do because when you have to pump oil from the deepest parts of deposits is much more xpensive than just punching a hole in the ground where there is a full underground lake. The deeper you dig the more expensive is every gallon.)
It seems Hubbart took some serious calculations and measured it and found out that we are over that peak when we were drawing highest amounts for mninimum investments. Now we are going downhill where the costs are rising and there is less and less oil everyday.
On those kind of slopes with whole of our not only economy but civilization suspended on extraction and spending of fossil fuels like mad, there can be no certain numbers.
But that number of five years is indeed the most pessimistic, so they've said too. 10 years seems like a shore shot tho.
Just look how much influence oil has on a world market or single countries. It is one of the cornerstones of economy.
Deeply conected with everything, it rises the costs of everything and then economy becomes a chaotic system even more than it already is... and crisis cause crisis and who knows when exactly it will break, and then the major shit starts when everything stops and whole system goes shebang.
No circulation of goods across the planet, no travel, no food or water because every pound of cargo suddenly costs a fortune.
No electronics from taiwan, no cheap stuff from china, no this , no that.... even transporting food inside a small state like mine would cost ludicrous amounts of money.
Oh yes money...that stops too i think, with such crashes.
And then shortly afterward the nukes start flying.
Every scientist on that convention agreed with those numbers Hubbert got long ago, and were amazed how nobody wants to listen even to them now. It was kind of funny seing them in his role now...they kind of expected to more people to listen to them.
Since 2003 in my dear country the gasoline went up in price 300%.
It didn't become cheaper not even once for five seconds.
And when i just look around further i start to see their point.
Even if we went behind Hubbard peak who would tell you?
Some official type of people?
Not those waging wars in Middle east because of oil right now.
And past few years.
I think ill start to get ready these next few years. Luckily i have a good idea. Sailing will become even more popular soon.
Sorry i cannot tell you any names now, forgot them all, but ill try to find that documentary again.
It had a strange name....something about American suburbans...or just suburban ...something...
Besides if you google M. King Hubbert you'll get enough info for a start.
As for making it more part of the story...i dont now, but i think it would maybe be good if intro showed our times too, you know Fallout way, ironic ...sad.... because it is happening now and we are going to play it and ...you know that it all comes together somehow. Still thinking about that.