Per wants you

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Per Jorner is updating his Ultimate Fallout guide. He needs a hand figuring out the following bugs:<blockquote>A guide update is coming up, to everyone's great excitement or something. I have here a little list of bugs people have reported that I haven't been able to trigger myself. If anyone else has experienced them, and/or know how they trigger, please let me know.

* Recurring crashes in the lowest level of Vault 13 after saving and loading.

* Erratic fadeouts on Navarro maps, accompanied by an inability to sleep using the Pipboy.

* In Navarro, Quincy lets you take the plans from the locker without reacting.

* Sulik starting to complain about carrying too much even though he's not at his maximum.

* In the SF Brotherhood video sequence, the player avatar took the place of one of the Enclave soldiers behind Horrigan.

There is also the continuing mystery of the pariah dog bug which seems to happen all the time to some people and never to others. Someone mailed me with a description of how to trigger it, but it didn't work for me, and some of his assumptions seem to be incorrect and/or irrelevant anyway. So I'm still interested in descriptions of how to make it work, and more specifically why it works.</blockquote>

So what're you waiting for? Go give the man a hand
Guess I don't have to worry about whether the release of the update itself is newsworthy. ;)