

First time out of the vault
According to this site:

It seems as though Perception is just a skill modifier for Explosives, Lockpick, and Energy Weapons, along with the crappy compass thing.

Is that it? Does it help with shooting at all?

Furthermore, what's the requirement of Perception to get better criticals/sniper? Is there a good perk list of requirements?

I found a hidden safe inside of a fridge with a high perception. Forgot where though.
I'm fairly certain it does affect accuracy at longer ranges. I messed around with my character's perception via console and did find better percentages in VATS. I would hope this translates into real-time accuracy improvement as well, but I'm not certain.
TheFlyingBuddha said:
I'm fairly certain it does affect accuracy at longer ranges. I messed around with my character's perception via console and did find better percentages in VATS. I would hope this translates into real-time accuracy improvement as well, but I'm not certain.

PE modifies your energy weapon skill, which is the only instance in which it affects accuracy.

A PE of 1 and 10 give me the exact same hit % in vats.
I play with 1 PE and its really no difference. The future perks and requierments are visible ingame, just check it out when you level up next time.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
PE modifies your energy weapon skill, which is the only instance in which it affects accuracy.

A PE of 1 and 10 give me the exact same hit % in vats.

At long ranges? I'll have to double-check, there may have been some other reason I saw a change. I had modded my skills to max and was aiming across the length of megaton. They weren't particularly *good* hit chances in any case.
low perception - took 2 missiles until I realized where they came from

high perception - enemies appear with red line before they get to see you
Yeah, perception definitely isn't affecting ranges. Something else must have been affecting my earlier check. Sadly, a lot of the stats seem to lack certain logical derivative factors. Agility doesn't increase move speed or rate of fire, for example.
TheFlyingBuddha said:
Yeah, perception definitely isn't affecting ranges. Something else must have been affecting my earlier check. Sadly, a lot of the stats seem to lack certain logical derivative factors. Agility doesn't increase move speed or rate of fire, for example.

So what about Endurance and Luck? How big is their affect on playing the game?
I noticed that Perception is completely useless when it comes to spotting traps and mines. It is nice when in real Fallout games my PC stopps walking / some info showes up because there is trap nearby. Putting points into Perception really makes sense. In FO3 I have to look for mines myself even though my PC has let's say PE 8. No messages, no stoppping, just some beep and kablooie! from unknown direction!

This bloody Minefield was an ordeal because I just wanted to find all mines [and disarm as many as possible]. Some of them was in bloody bushes. Oh, and it was getting dark. What a fun! Even though my PC had PE 8, it was me who did all the work.

What's the reason of having perceptive PC if all depends on player's eyes?

I remember spotting all traps in Raider's Base in Fallout 2. It was nice to see that my PC developed quite useful attribute.

Or maybe it's me who play game in a wrong way and finding traps is connected to PC's skills not player's, huh? Am I missing something?
Seelix said:
What's the reason of having perceptive PC if all depends on player's eyes?


Or maybe it's me who play game in a wrong way and finding traps is connected to PC's skills not player's, huh? Am I missing something?

You are correct. Thing is, this is not an RPG, this is fps/adventure with rpg elements - its up to you as a player to aim, dodge, find traps etc, not up to you charachter skills and stats. Thats FO3 for you
Seelix said:
Or maybe it's me who play game in a wrong way and finding traps is connected to PC's skills not player's, huh? Am I missing something?

Nope, unfortunately not. There is a perk later in the game with wich you will never set off traps or mines and you need Agi 6/Per 6 for that.
TheFlyingBuddha said:
Yeah, perception definitely isn't affecting ranges. ...
It affects the range where you notice enemies, so it kind of does affect range of weapon since you can´t shoot someone you didn´t notice, unless of course you can not immediately attack someone who has come into perception range.
What, if not perception, does affect vats percentage, then? It quite sucks that I have to close in to have a decent hit percentage with a frickin' sniper rifle.
Buxbaum666 said:
What, if not perception, does affect vats percentage, then? It quite sucks that I have to close in to have a decent hit percentage with a frickin' sniper rifle.
it seems to just be skill and agility. you're right, the percentages are ridiculous, it seems like the people at beth think it's virtually impossible to hit anything beyond 50m.
As far as I remember, a higher weapons skill only means that you deal more damage. Agility? That doesn't even make sense. Even the fattest fatso can be a good sniper.