Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Hey everybody I had an interesting idea a while back, but the new day has come was chosen over it.
How bout we do a raider based campaign that is more fast paced and objectified then some of the others.
It would play out that we consist of a small raiding party consisting of those who join and we attack caravans in a stealth attack type deal.
The challenging part would be that we came from a tribe that doesn't like technology so we would be using very basic melee weaponry or bows and slings.
possible squad members could be similar to classes in other RPGs
there would be a close combat warrior armed with his choice of spears, rudimentary swords, bone or leather armor, and knives or clubs or varying sizes and appearences, which of course can all be customized and thought up by whoever gets the role.
A thief meant for sneaking and unarmored. Poisonous daggers and arrows would work well here.
A shaman to create healing powders, poisons, salves, drugs, and other items.
A monk adorned with crazy warpaints and knuckle dusters or chains and ropes.
An archer with obsidian arrows and such.
The list goes on people, and I always liked the idea of cunning and tactics winning out over guns and brute force. The simple tribesmen/women would have to go against armed caravan guards and could be up against stacked odds, but most assault would be night fighting or in ruins full of cover and hiding places.
There would be a good amount of room for character customization such as paintings, tatoos, bone or rock carvings, intersting armors/clothes, even animal totems or pets.
If you guys like my idea tell me and if enough people agree to join I will start an OOC for characters and thoughts and then the game itself
How bout we do a raider based campaign that is more fast paced and objectified then some of the others.
It would play out that we consist of a small raiding party consisting of those who join and we attack caravans in a stealth attack type deal.
The challenging part would be that we came from a tribe that doesn't like technology so we would be using very basic melee weaponry or bows and slings.
possible squad members could be similar to classes in other RPGs
there would be a close combat warrior armed with his choice of spears, rudimentary swords, bone or leather armor, and knives or clubs or varying sizes and appearences, which of course can all be customized and thought up by whoever gets the role.
A thief meant for sneaking and unarmored. Poisonous daggers and arrows would work well here.
A shaman to create healing powders, poisons, salves, drugs, and other items.
A monk adorned with crazy warpaints and knuckle dusters or chains and ropes.
An archer with obsidian arrows and such.
The list goes on people, and I always liked the idea of cunning and tactics winning out over guns and brute force. The simple tribesmen/women would have to go against armed caravan guards and could be up against stacked odds, but most assault would be night fighting or in ruins full of cover and hiding places.
There would be a good amount of room for character customization such as paintings, tatoos, bone or rock carvings, intersting armors/clothes, even animal totems or pets.
If you guys like my idea tell me and if enough people agree to join I will start an OOC for characters and thoughts and then the game itself