Agent Provocatures
Agent Provocateurs
... It just seems strange that you all jump on top of everyone of Pete Hines words when he literally states that nothing is final and everything is to play for. ...
Perhaps, if, this text venue were abandoned, for this instant, and each individual met Pete Hines on the road to ... "Tomorrow"...
In this presumed context, the conventions of face to face contact, 'might' be more civil, depending on the social conventions of ones' regional-social traditions. Face to face could be less 'in your face'. The 'broadband' of full sensory communication would take precedent, with, full frontal, body language, and all the cultural clues and cues of dress, deodorant, and what one recently had to eat, drink, chew, or smoke. The B.O. factor.
Those with a confident eye contact might "see" even more, in a wink and a blink, then the diviners and surgeons of autopsied text.
Many might use hand gestures, but I doubt the word for word analysis of the "news" would engender unit digital gesticulations. And if it did, this intimate exposure could be rebuffed or ignored as per the spirit of the moment. The Ol' Zietgiest for you philosophical punters.
And maybe, if Pete found out what you or I have done for a living over the years, he might be pumping us for information.
Back to this 'sterile' text medium.
At this point, the energy released by the press releases and introductory interviews can be seen as POSITIVE evidence of vitality. This LIVING runaway horse that Bethesda has found themselves astride may not be
'of the color' they first imagined, but these details shouldn't throw them, or hobble their reputed 'horse sense' in communicating with gamers, the consumers of their wares.
Back to this 'sterile' text medium.
It has a unique 'fertility' in which the seeds and weeds of opinion can take root, and cross pollinate in the 'birds and the bees' of ideas. (*)
[(*)("'birds and the bees' ", I trust that I do not offend the Darwinists when I cater to the Social Darwinists of Kansas in this 'tasteful' and polite reference to social INTERCOURSE while teasing the latent Freudians with illicit illusions of sexual INTERCOURSE.)]
The immediacy of time and place buffers the charismatic, and shields the shy and withdrawn.
Face to face identity and face to face responsibilities are not primary,
in the leveling out of this social, playing field.
Into this playground comes the universal intensification of verbiage.
And, those seeking the immediate gratification of ""stirring up the sh't"".
Agent Provocateurs ...
Is there a larger agenda for all this emotional venting? Maybe those skilled in the art of misdirection can evoke the aura of "conspiracy theory" and the "emotional synergy" can run wild in forests of straw men beyond the rivers of red herrings.
MAYBE, there are individuals with personal virtual vendettas that surface when ever the activity of the fan forums gets hot,
and Pete Hines happens to be in the cross fire, of another FO food fight.
"Duck And Cover" Pete!
Agent provocateurs, ... , maybe we could think up many motivations for this behavior. Maybe we could dwell on why the children of Darwin will fling their virtual feces. Maybe we could conjecture on the transient and titillating behavior of the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve, if that's the prevailing epistemology in your jurisdiction. Your commonwealth, or utopia, must reside somewhere east of here and west of there, but I am sure that the social conventions are more universal, and time honored, than many of us imagine.
This river of opinion will take it's course and we can fish through the jettison of 'floaters', or wave at the passing 'show boats' as they steam
confidently on the waters of experience.