Pete Hines interview on Spong

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Spong did an interview with Bethesda PR guy Pete Hines. It's a bit hard to follow because Spong has a rather odd way of formulating questions, but here goes:<blockquote>POnG: From that description, it strikes me that there's maybe similarities with what Irrational are trying to do with Bioshock.

Pete Hines: Mmmmmm, not really… maybe a little, but only in as much as any role-playing game is going to be similar in certain ways to any other role-playing game. What you're going to see from us in Fallout 3 is going to be pretty different though.

SPOnG: In terms of resurrecting that late 1990s classic though?

Pete Hines: Yeah, but again, what Fallout 3 does in terms of theme and tone and setting is very different.


SPOnG: One of the things that crops up a lot in reviews and discussions of about Fallout is that a lot of the fans like the about Fallout humour. What does this mean to you?

Pete Hines: Well, Todd Howard (Executive Producer at Bethesda) has talked a little about this. We're not big fans of jokes… developers that try to tell jokes, it tends not to work very well. You know, the humour in Fallout 3 is that you can get a weapon and blow a guy to a bloody mess, then when you pull up your interface, you see a little smiling cartoon character holding his thumb up. Like that's funny… funny not in terms of jokes or winks at the camera and such…

SPOnG: So, more like Terminator style humour?

Pete Hines: Yeah, exactly, that sort of stuff. It's just on how you present the game and the content and the setting.

SPOnG: And the setting is East Coast USA right?

Pete Hines: I dunno if we've said, have we? There's a lot of rumour and speculation swirling about out there! [laughs]

SPOnG: Is it fair to say it will be released on PC, PS3 and 360?

Pete Hines: No, not fair to say. We haven't announced any platforms yet.</blockquote>Link: Pete Hines interview on Spong
Two conclusions from this: FO3 will definitely be set in east side USA, and is going to come out to PC and XBox360, maybe just like that, maybe with some exclusive stuff (t3h pluginzes!1) for the xbox, maybe for PS3 too... I simply don't believe Bethesda would go through the pain of not releasing FO3 for 360... I mean... they probably receive some reward from mother microshoft?
Damn why that Nadia pic again?...

The last pics from Bioshock are oozed with 50's goodness, I can understand the question.
SPOnG: In terms of resurrecting that late 1990s classic though?

Pete Hines: Yeah, but again, what Fallout 3 does in terms of theme and tone and setting is very different.

hu? Very different from what? from Fallout1 and Fallout2?

SPOnG: So, more like Terminator style humour?
Pete Hines: Yeah, exactly, that sort of stuff.

Arnold knows how to tell 12cal jokes.

Briosafreak said:
Damn why that Nadia pic again?...

And Cyrus!

I think they're trying to establish canon.

Briosafreak said:
The last pics from Bioshock are oozed with 50's goodness, I can understand the question.

That question is fine. The answer to the question is completely unrelated to the actual question. Then rather than pushing the point Spong goes "In terms of resurrecting that late 1990s classic though?" which is completely out of bounds in the context (what in terms of? Bioshock resurrecting the 1990s classic what? Does he mean to ask "Will Fallout 3 resurrect the 1990s classic?" What?!)

Also note how Pete said Fallout was made by BIS. Contextual error again.

Bad interview. The circlejerk surrounding non-mainstream gaming media is funny, Spong did everything but ask "So how much do these so-called citizen journalists suck and how much more awesome are you?"
@ Briosafreak:

Not just Nadia, btw. As to why, well, these are everyone's favourite characters from one of the most beloved Fallout game. I'm surprised you asked.
You know, the humour in Fallout 3 is that you can get a weapon and blow a guy to a bloody mess, then when you pull up your interface, you see a little smiling cartoon character holding his thumb up. Like that's funny… funny not in terms of jokes or winks at the camera and such…

I'm tired of hearing him say this, feels like the 3rd time at least
Really tired that he seems to be giving the same answers to the same questions over and over again....
Goweigus said:
I'm tired of hearing him say this, feels like the 3rd time at least
Really tired that he seems to be giving the same answers to the same questions over and over again....

Hi, new guy. Get used to it! Pete and Todd have a common stock of rehashable phrases. Replace them with a computer and nobody would notice, though it would probably have better articulation.

"like we made the first two" and "Fallout humor is bloody mess + vault boy" are just two of those lovely phrases.

How many can you name?
i know it is sad...

I hope this dose not mean they won't at least try to put any humor into it.

Although from various quotes it sounds like we will at least get good gore in F3
POnG: From that description, it strikes me that there's maybe similarities with what Irrational are trying to do with Bioshock.

Pete Hines: Mmmmmm, not really… maybe a little, but only in as much as any role-playing game is going to be similar in certain ways to any other role-playing game. What you're going to see from us in Fallout 3 is going to be pretty different though.

SPOnG: In terms of resurrecting that late 1990s classic though?

Pete Hines: Yeah, but again, what Fallout 3 does in terms of theme and tone and setting is very different.

I may not be a genius, but I think it's obvious what Pete's saying: they won't do a retro 50 FPS RPG (like Bioshock is, underwater, hand made and modiefied retro guns), so no Oblivion with guns.

That's great!
Well, with Fallout, they did have a different version of funny: complete randomness. I still remember seeing that Goonies quote in Modoc for the first time. Good times... :)
A window into a world without clues said:
Pete Hines... the humour in Fallout 3 is that you can get a weapon and blow a guy to a bloody mess, then when you pull up your interface, you see a little smiling cartoon character holding his thumb up.

SPOnG: So, more like Terminator style humour?

Pete Hines: Yeah, exactly, that sort of stuff.

My mind screeches to a halt and fucking boggles.

Should I be more horrified that Bethesda thinks Fallout humour is violence juxtaposed with happy cartoon characters, that the SPOnG interviewer thinks violence juxtaposed with happy cartoon characters is Terminator style humour, or that Uncle Petey agrees with the crackhead's asessment?

I feel dizzy.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
POnG: From that description, it strikes me that there's maybe similarities with what Irrational are trying to do with Bioshock.

Pete Hines: Mmmmmm, not really… maybe a little, but only in as much as any role-playing game is going to be similar in certain ways to any other role-playing game. What you're going to see from us in Fallout 3 is going to be pretty different though.

SPOnG: In terms of resurrecting that late 1990s classic though?

Pete Hines: Yeah, but again, what Fallout 3 does in terms of theme and tone and setting is very different.

I may not be a genius, but I think it's obvious what Pete's saying: they won't do a retro 50 FPS RPG (like Bioshock is, underwater, hand made and modiefied retro guns), so no Oblivion with guns.

That's great!
I agree, you are definitely not be a genius.

Leaked screenshot:
I feel really good about doing that piece, now.

Maybe they're talking about the Terminator games that Toddy helped make.

SPOnG: Is it fair to say it will be released on PC, PS3 and 360?

Pete Hines: No, not fair to say. We haven't announced any platforms yet.

Anybody read OXM yet?
Oh, that's funny! A guy with his thumb up shows up as i kill... wait... that was not in Fallout -.-
RPG of the year said:
Should I be more horrified that Bethesda thinks Fallout humour is violence juxtaposed with happy cartoon characters, that the SPOnG interviewer thinks violence juxtaposed with happy cartoon characters is Terminator style humour, or that Uncle Petey agrees with the crackhead's asessment?

Better yet, Sponge-brains stating that Fallout 2 easter eggs are the core of the Fallout setting.
That was one fucking insightful interview again.

It is like this interview never happened, but it was made with a copy-paste techique from the older interviews.
"Pete Hines: Well, Todd Howard (Executive Producer at Bethesda) has talked a little about this. We're not big fans of jokes… developers that try to tell jokes, it tends not to work very well. You know, the humour in Fallout 3 is that you can get a weapon and blow a guy to a bloody mess, then when you pull up your interface, you see a little smiling cartoon character holding his thumb up. Like that's funny… funny not in terms of jokes or winks at the camera and such…"

I really do think that this is very disturbing. It as if he, and Todd Howard, and Bethsoft, all think that the humour in Fallout is just limited to this shooting people in a bloody mess --- and getting a thumbs up...

To me, that isn't the humour I associate with Fallout humour.
The Fallout humour comes from the setting, the dialqoues and tyhe interactions with the other characters in the universe as well as from the fact that you are a loner in a strange odd desert-like world in which you're striving to get by. And this often results in
very humorous situation, often delivered in the way of grim or sardonic or gallows humour.

With this interview (at spong) Pete Hines actually to me gives some credits to the rumours on the net which thinks that FO3
is going to

Oblivion with Guns.

(which I certalin hope that ot won't be...)