Pete Hines interview

Sam Ecorners

Vault Senior Citizen
Planet Fallout posted an interview with Pete Hines:<blockquote>How can the player interact within the environment between the Vegas world and the customization and progression of your character?

The character customization really comes more from the S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S. that you pick, or whether or not you pick any traits in the beginning. Traits is something that we brought back in Fallout: New Vegas where you can now pick up to two traits when you first create your character. Most of which have a positive and a negative effect so you can do your skills that are more pacifist go up by a certain amount but your combat skills go down by a certain amount, kind of a trade off. The perks that you pick along the way obviously have a big effect. But then beyond that it is really the player's actions that determine how your character is customized. So you are not going to go down to the Vegas strip and start gambling or do quests to find new entertainers for a hotel that wants entertainers for their shows, those aren't going to dramatically change your character customization.
It's your actions and how you do stuff that is ultimately going to change. These guys like me better or I've gambled a lot and I've won a lot so I am getting comped now. They are bringing me drinks, they are giving me a room for the night, that sort of is the benefit in oppose to my character does something different now that he couldn't do before. The Vegas stuff is more additive and flavor in terms of how you want to play the game or what kind of things you want to be doing.

You mentioned earlier how interacting with factions will change the story, could you be more specific?

Not without giving too much away, but in general you've got two main factions in the game fighting for control over the Mojave wasteland, NCR and Caesar's Legion. We've tried to have everything in Fallout: New Vegas not to be so black and white. These are the good guys these are the bad guys, if you join with these guys you are bad, if you join with these guys you are good. It's not quite that cut and dry. When you talk to folks, things you are doing may feel a bit more evil or feel more good guy, but you can join either side and help their cause in terms of helping them buy more control of the wasteland. There are a lot of smaller factions in the wasteland that maybe neutral in terms of which way they are leaning. And working through some of those factions and how they act, or the quests that you do for them, or how you resolve things related to those smaller factions as well as those larger faction, you're kind of helping chart the course of what is going to happen in the Mojave and who is going to win.
To put it more simply, if you join Caesar's Legion and spend a lot of time wiping out the NCR then you are helping Caesar's Legion win out over the NCR. While if you join NCR and start wiping out Caesar's Legion then you are helping them take control. So that is a more obvious example of getting involved with factions and helping determine outcome and who is going to the whole.</blockquote>
UncannyGarlic said:
What is all of this "we" business? Nothing like taking credit for another studio's work...
Given that Obsidian wouldn't even be doing this without the patronage of Bethesda, I believe they have to right to claim partial credit for the work...
NiRv4n4 said:
UncannyGarlic said:
What is all of this "we" business? Nothing like taking credit for another studio's work...
Given that Obsidian wouldn't even be doing this without the patronage of Bethesda, I believe they have to right to claim partial credit for the work...
Yet it's not their work
Faceless_Stranger said:
NiRv4n4 said:
UncannyGarlic said:
What is all of this "we" business? Nothing like taking credit for another studio's work...
Given that Obsidian wouldn't even be doing this without the patronage of Bethesda, I believe they have to right to claim partial credit for the work...
Yet it's not their work
But they are still responsible for it being done. Whether that is through direct programming etc, or through funding people to do that. Technically by your standards they are no more responsible than Urquhart. Bethesda has directed a lot about this game and is publishing it, it is fair for them to also take credit.
sea said:
A real shame considering that everything good about New Vegas is stuff that Bethesda would have pretty much done the opposite of, but there's not much Obsidian can do in their situation. They've got to eat shit sometimes, but at least it's keeping them in business and hopefully will lead to better things.
At least WE know that it was Obsidian, and it is we who can go on their boards and congratulate or criticize them. WE know the truth, and while the Beth fanboys will give credit to Bethesda, we will know where the credit truly lies...
Love the free room idea for being a high roller. I just hope the room is better than your Megaton shack. A nice view would be cool too, even if just a giant fake texture of Vegas lights outside. I can totally imagine doing a runthrough as a representative of the casino/Mr. Frank, or whatever his name is.
Faceless_Stranger said:
At least WE know that it was Obsidian, and it is we who can go on their boards and congratulate or criticize them. WE know the truth, and while the Beth fanboys will give credit to Bethesda, we will know where the credit truly lies...

If the game ends up getting trashed by the critics, you know exactly where they're going to lay the blame.
sea said:
Ixyroth said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
At least WE know that it was Obsidian, and it is we who can go on their boards and congratulate or criticize them. WE know the truth, and while the Beth fanboys will give credit to Bethesda, we will know where the credit truly lies...

If the game ends up getting trashed by the critics, you know exactly where they're going to lay the blame.
Yeah, I think I mentioned before, if the game is successful then Bethesda will receive all credit for revitalising Fallout 3's "classic" gameplay and universe. If not? They call it a failed experiment by a bunch of amateur rent-a-developers that would never have happened with Bethesda at the helm.
As tme goes by I'm starting to hate the politics of the game industry. It really must suck to be in Obsidian's shoes right now.
It sounds like Pete Hines is explaining something to 10-year-olds without really explaining anything + most of it is copy-pasted anything he'd said during the vanilla FO3 campaign
DexterMorgan said:
I see you're new to Pete Hines. Hint - this is exactly what his job is.

Actually I'm aware of that, yet I've still got a hard time coping with the fact that it is so...
I love Pete Hinees interviews, they are always a mess.

"We"? Ah yes, I totally forgot. Bethsoft has been hard at work on this game and the whole Obsidian is making it line was just a clever ruse. Oh Pete.
Faceless_Stranger said:
It really must suck to be in Obsidian's shoes right now.
Yeah, it sure does blow getting <strike>bankrolled</strike> compensated by a couple of large companies with deep pockets to work on two different RPG franchises (Fallout, Dungeon Siege), one of which is near and dear to their hearts.

Edit: I'm sure they feel fortunate, BN. Which is why I think a statement like "sure does suck to be Obsidian" is silly.
"Bankrolled" is an odd phrase. The life of an independent developer is not that easy.

They must've blessed their lucky stars to get the job from Bethesda when the SEGA cooperation collapsed. That's how it goes. Sometimes studios don't have that luck, and they just fold.