Pete Hines talk more about Fo3


Carbon Dated and Proud
Pete Hines (Bethesda's PR honcho) have talked more about Fallout 3 and Bethesda's plan for it. This time he talked to GameGestapo and here's some Q&A's:<blockquote>Q. Is the SPECIAL system going to remain intact? What changes are planned?
A. Again, too early, although I will say that as a general rule we plan to remain as true and faithful as possible to what made Fallout such a great and memorable experience.

Q. While I was overjoyed to hear that Fallout 3 is being given a second lease on life, I am curious about your target ESRB rating. Many gamers still remember that Morrowind was developed as a Teen rated sequel to a historically Mature series, and there is a growing concern that you may do the same to Fallout. Considering that the Fallout franchise has been mature themed in the extreme, what are currently your plans for the game as far as content (ESRB) is concerned?
A. Right now we aren't prepared to talk about specifics. I wouldn't worry about the ESRB thing.</blockquote>Link: Pete talks to GameGestapo
Why just does that comment to not worry,
worries me more, as he would just have said nothing...

Maybe cause you're right Sumsolus...
Who shouldn't worry? The fans or the parents? Fallout set in a "clean" environment is not an option.

FO has never been intended for small children (most of them would not even have any interest in playing an rpg as advanced as fallout anyway), so I hope they put the fans first, and not sales figures, when developing the game.

Knowing that Fallout fans tend to get fanatical, especially considering anything FO3 related, the developer have got to make a good game in order to get any sales at all. We all remember Interplay failed when cancelling FO3 for FOBOS, and I believe that Bethesda will have that in mind.

However, the news on FO3 have been quite bad news so far in my opinion.
Pope_Viper said:
Multi-platforms=consoles=button kiddies=Teen rating.


You are... grrr... I disagree with you.

But Multi-platforming is a bad thing truly. They usually do both versions bad.

And, "I wouldn't worry about the ESRB thing." sounds like "Don't worry, we WILL get Teen."
Odin said:
<blockquote>Q. Is the SPECIAL system going to remain intact? What changes are planned?
A. Again, (snip).

The right answers here are YES and no changes. In that order damnit.
I've posted a followup to that question. This should clear things up a bit:

GameGestapo: So is it safe to say that we can count on the more mature elements remaining intact?
Pete Hines: I would hope so. We don't plan to strip out important elements that made Fallout what it is. We want to remain true to the experience that made Fallout, well, Fallout.

I'm also inquiring about the console vs. PC development plans. So I might have more on that later.
Veraxus said:
I've posted a followup to that question. This should clear things up a bit:

GameGestapo: So is it safe to say that we can count on the more mature elements remaining intact?
Pete Hines: I would hope so. We don't plan to strip out important elements that made Fallout what it is. We want to remain true to the experience that made Fallout, well, Fallout.

I'm also inquiring about the console vs. PC development plans. So I might have more on that later.

Dont plan to?.....try WONT EVER!!!
it would be in a perfect world, but unfortunatly he's right in this godforsaken hellhole
I had to go and find a different email cause for some reason nma wont use MSN Hotmail.

Anyways I would like to give my input.

I being a fan of the Fallouts, excluding Fo:PoS but not Tactics since the multiplayer on tactics has formed a small roleplaying community exploiting the map editor and gameplay for fallout rpg entertainment. I must of played fallout 1 and 2 for at least 2 years with little change in pace before I turned to other rpgs.

Unlike most of you, who I dont blame for being upset because lets face it, the details are very scarce and what we got you dont like. I on the otherhand wasnt able to get any useful information from any of the PR. I am for a fallout that keeps the gritty, mature, SPECIAL, and overall Fallout feel. I want a 3rd person camera that is fully rotate/zoom camera. I feel 3d is the natural evolution of fallout but I want it to look realistic and gritty like the 2d fallouts.

Also I feel Real-Time is a necessity for fallout to completely emerse me, though I can live with turn-based and I understand most of you prefere turn-based, though I cant for the life of me figure out why but you guys obviously differ with me on alot fo points. Next I would like to say that making it multi platform wont ruin it, GTA was able to make a successful port, and Shadow Run was a great non-linear rpg for the consoles. But I prefere RPGs on the computer because of all the advantages, but I dont descriminate based on platform.

And Last I wanted to say, because some said that this proved god didnt exist on a thread with the same subject, that the obvious turn for the worse of interplay, and not to mention the absolutely rediculous idea of a Fallout MMORPG which will suck up all money interplay made from this deal and punish Herve for what he did to the once great company, is in my oppinion more proof of God, though Im not talking about the bullshit spread from most creeds (Including and specific emphesis on the Christians) I personally believe God ( NOT JESUS ) wants us to live our lives the way we want, including but not limited to, Prostitution, Narcotics, and Sexual Expression, things which Fallout proudly stands for.
SuAside said:
it would be in a perfect world, but unfortunatly he's right in this godforsaken hellhole
Don't be stupid. How many console-only or console-first M-Rated games come out? GTA? Manhunt? The Suffering?

Or to be topical, what about Brotherhood of Steel?

Console doesn't imply Teen rating in any way. You people are just whiners who are looking for more reasons to whine.
Ezekiel RoT said:
Also I feel Real-time is a necessity for fallout to completely emerse me, though I can live with turn-based and I understand most of you prefere turn-based, though I cant for the life of me figure out why but you guys obviously differ with me on alot fo points.

It's not just a question of prefering turnbased. The SPECIAL system was made with turnbased in mind. If you remove turnbased, the system crumbles in some aspects.

Next I would like to say that making it multi platform wont ruin it, GTA was able to make a successful port, and Shadow Run was a great non-linear rpg for the consoles. But I prefere RPGs on the computer because of all the advantages, but I dont descriminate based on platform.

Sorry, but that's a bad example. GTA succeeded as a port because it was made for a simple platform, then later converted to a more complex one. When you have the reverse - a complex game shoved into a simple platform - problems will happen.

And Shadowrun pails in comparison to what certain CRPGs have presented.

Then again talking of ports is useless because simultaneous development for several platforms can occur. There's no reason to believe a port will happen at this point.

I personally believe God ( NOT JESUS ) wants us to live our lives the way we want, including but not limited to, Prostitution, Narcotics, and Sexual Expression, things which Fallout proudly stands for.

... tell me this is trolling.
Role-Player said:
Then again talking of ports is useless because simultaneous development for several platforms can occur. There's no reason to believe a port will happen at this point.

Indeed. Some people don't seem to understand that multi-platform can mean different things. Either they port a finished game, like they did with Morrowind, or they develop it for several platforms at the same time, which would be bad. Very bad.
Baboon said:
Role-Player said:
Then again talking of ports is useless because simultaneous development for several platforms can occur. There's no reason to believe a port will happen at this point.

Indeed. Some people don't seem to understand that multi-platform can mean different things. Either they port a finished game, like they did with Morrowind, or they develop it for several platforms at the same time, which would be bad. Very bad.

Not necessarily. That works out just fine a lot of the time.
extarbags said:
Not necessarily. That works out just fine a lot of the time.

For games with alot less scope and difficulty than Fallout Maybe it does, but this game done right would be way to hard for a console port, and probably too big.
Miles said:
extarbags said:
Not necessarily. That works out just fine a lot of the time.

For games with alot less scope and difficulty than Fallout Maybe it does, but this game done right would be way to hard for a console port, and probably too big.

Too hard?

And too big?
