Hell Patrol
It Wandered In From the Wastes

What do you all think of the prospect of making a petition to Interplay on releasing their Fallout 2 developing tools?
I'm not sure if this is correct, but I saw this posted on The Unknown Files's webpage :
"From Interplay
Q. Will there be an editor for Fallout 2?
A .Fallout does not work like a Quake game in that levels are not just put together with an editor - we have our map tool and a scripting language which has to be written and then compiled. Changes also need to be made to the programs code itself when stuff is changed around. We are thinking about releasing our mapper program and the source code to the game. But we aren't sure when this might be, or if it is definitely going to happen."
But it ALSO said(which we know is not true):
"Q. If I attack one guard, will everyone on the map know immediately?
A. No, as aforementioned. The AI is getting a very large improvement in many areas. Guards will now have the chance of hearing another guard's cry for help depending on where they are on the map and whether or not they are in a building. Line of sight and hearing are being expanded and improved."
I think the best time to release the editor would be NOW. It would hold off their fans until Fallout 3 comes out. It would keep people interested in Fallout to ensure more sales of Fallout 3(if it even WILL exist). It would take less time to make some instructions(if they already didn't do that for the level designers), put in on a cd, and mail it to people than the time it takes for them to delete all the mail they probably get asking about Fallout 3(releasing it would lessen the mail, since it would occupy their fans as long as people are willing to create new quests for Fallout 2)
All they would need to do is burn in onto a blank cd, pay a bonus to one of the designers of Fallout 2 to write some intructions on how to work it, slap on a $30 or so price tag, and add it to their internet store database. They wouldn't need to advertise it, since most the people that would buy it go to Fallout sites regularly, and the sites would probably gladly put a link/advertisement for the editor on their main page.
Another reason they should release it now, is because now is the peak point that all the fans are frustrated that nothing new related to Fallout is coming in our direction(besides a couple mods for other games) If they wait, they'll lose this money-making opportunity, because who the hell wants an editor for Wolfenstein 3d now? Not even 1/10000000 the amount of people if they would have released it in a reasonable amount of time after the game is made, and more importantly, a reasonable amount of time before anything BETTER is coming their way. Who the hell wants wolfenstein when you now have Doom, Quake I,II, and II, and Unreal/Unreal Tournament? At the current time, they would have less people saying "Oh, I'll just wait until Fallout 3 is released" than if they waited until it was 6 months before the Fallout 3 release. Since its even a mystery is Fallout 3 is even going to exist, that makes NOW the best time to release the level making programs required to make our own quests/weapons and crap. An example I will give is Duke Nukem 3d. That survived way longer and sold many more copies than it would have if they didn't release the level/graphics/sound/con file editor. Most people(me included) think that the enemies, weapons, levels, .etc of Duke Nukem are horrible(I say enimies are the most unoriginal). But yet I still bought, and loved, the game. Why? Because after I got through all the initial confusion of using a level editor, making levels was a blast! It was soooooooo fun to create your own worlds in that game. That editor definitely put more cash in 3dRealm's pockets, and they didn't even charge for it. I'm sure most people would be willing to spend 30 or so dollars online for a fallout development kit. The good part about selling it online is not having to pay someone to design a box, advertisements, or create enough to stock all the computer stores in existance.
Damn, when it comes to posting on Fallout boards I sure ramble on and on and on alot.
So I was just wondering if that is a stupid idea or not.
Hell Patrol
P.S. - If it came out, then we'd definitely have a quest(probably multiple different ones)relating to saving Sulik's sister that everyone wants(I'm saying that everyone wants that quest, not Sulik's sister
I'm not sure if this is correct, but I saw this posted on The Unknown Files's webpage :
"From Interplay
Q. Will there be an editor for Fallout 2?
A .Fallout does not work like a Quake game in that levels are not just put together with an editor - we have our map tool and a scripting language which has to be written and then compiled. Changes also need to be made to the programs code itself when stuff is changed around. We are thinking about releasing our mapper program and the source code to the game. But we aren't sure when this might be, or if it is definitely going to happen."
But it ALSO said(which we know is not true):
"Q. If I attack one guard, will everyone on the map know immediately?
A. No, as aforementioned. The AI is getting a very large improvement in many areas. Guards will now have the chance of hearing another guard's cry for help depending on where they are on the map and whether or not they are in a building. Line of sight and hearing are being expanded and improved."
I think the best time to release the editor would be NOW. It would hold off their fans until Fallout 3 comes out. It would keep people interested in Fallout to ensure more sales of Fallout 3(if it even WILL exist). It would take less time to make some instructions(if they already didn't do that for the level designers), put in on a cd, and mail it to people than the time it takes for them to delete all the mail they probably get asking about Fallout 3(releasing it would lessen the mail, since it would occupy their fans as long as people are willing to create new quests for Fallout 2)
All they would need to do is burn in onto a blank cd, pay a bonus to one of the designers of Fallout 2 to write some intructions on how to work it, slap on a $30 or so price tag, and add it to their internet store database. They wouldn't need to advertise it, since most the people that would buy it go to Fallout sites regularly, and the sites would probably gladly put a link/advertisement for the editor on their main page.
Another reason they should release it now, is because now is the peak point that all the fans are frustrated that nothing new related to Fallout is coming in our direction(besides a couple mods for other games) If they wait, they'll lose this money-making opportunity, because who the hell wants an editor for Wolfenstein 3d now? Not even 1/10000000 the amount of people if they would have released it in a reasonable amount of time after the game is made, and more importantly, a reasonable amount of time before anything BETTER is coming their way. Who the hell wants wolfenstein when you now have Doom, Quake I,II, and II, and Unreal/Unreal Tournament? At the current time, they would have less people saying "Oh, I'll just wait until Fallout 3 is released" than if they waited until it was 6 months before the Fallout 3 release. Since its even a mystery is Fallout 3 is even going to exist, that makes NOW the best time to release the level making programs required to make our own quests/weapons and crap. An example I will give is Duke Nukem 3d. That survived way longer and sold many more copies than it would have if they didn't release the level/graphics/sound/con file editor. Most people(me included) think that the enemies, weapons, levels, .etc of Duke Nukem are horrible(I say enimies are the most unoriginal). But yet I still bought, and loved, the game. Why? Because after I got through all the initial confusion of using a level editor, making levels was a blast! It was soooooooo fun to create your own worlds in that game. That editor definitely put more cash in 3dRealm's pockets, and they didn't even charge for it. I'm sure most people would be willing to spend 30 or so dollars online for a fallout development kit. The good part about selling it online is not having to pay someone to design a box, advertisements, or create enough to stock all the computer stores in existance.
Damn, when it comes to posting on Fallout boards I sure ramble on and on and on alot.
So I was just wondering if that is a stupid idea or not.
Hell Patrol
P.S. - If it came out, then we'd definitely have a quest(probably multiple different ones)relating to saving Sulik's sister that everyone wants(I'm saying that everyone wants that quest, not Sulik's sister