Critter said:
Parents would say yes by default, non-parents couldn't answer this (imo) with no real substance to the argument.
You're using a double negation, but I'm assuming you meant to say that "non parent's couldn't answer this (imo) with
any real substance to the argument".
How would default yes-saying parents have more substance to their argument? "To hell with the world and everyone who shall exist after me" isn't more invalid than "Let's all become dyke veggies and use low energy lightbulbs because I have a kid". It's more PC to say yes, obviously, but to say that people who are not parents are hence not in position to answer a question about what they value regarding their priorities in life, considering coming generations, is just plain stupid. You lose.
I am not a parent, and right now, I don't really care about coming generations or world starvation or the environment or anything gay like that. When/if I become a parent, I will obviously start caring about all that lame stuff, but there's no point in starting now. My change won't make any significant difference anyway (which is a perfectly valid statement, and people who say "that statement is invalid becoz otherwise democracy wouldn't work and blah blah blah" are faggots, for that is completely ignoring the fact that my total energy consumption or gas production is not the end or salvation of the world). I'll start to care when/if I become a parent just because it will be PC, and parents have to be PC. It happens to all of them. "You gotto see the baby" and what not. Anyway, I digress.
I. Can anarchy exist without chaos?
Yes, as Mikael Furry said, in a very small scale (like 10 people in a hippie household without rules but where people still treat eachother with some form of respect), but quite obviously not on a national or global level.
II. Have humans developed technology before developing the ability to use it wisely?
Too gay; will not answer.
III. "The one thing that I know is that I know nothing." (True? False? Somewhere in between?)
Sure, why not. I'd rather frase it "The one thing we can be sure of is that we can't
really be sure of anything", though.
IV. Murderer or Murdered?
I'd rather kill someone than be killed, sure. Depends a bit on the person - I could see giving my life for family or other people I care about, but for a stranger I'm pitted against? No way in hell.
V. Is it better to survive today or make tomorrow better for your children?
How about both? Also, making tomorrow better for
my future children does not neccesarily mean going all veggie dyke and using low energy light bulbs, it just means having a lot of money.
These are by no means easy questions, but please share your thoughts.
Are you kidding me? They were easy as shit. I have a total feeling that I aced it!