Phones and there operating systems...


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I just recently switched from from my flip phone to a sony ericsson xperia arc (3 months ago), and its pretty good. android is prety much identical to the iphone and there operating system, other than the fact iphone you have to pay alot more for apps. my best friend has an iphone and most apps i get for android, cost him money... when i get them for free.

the big question is, what is the deal with win7 phones? can i use programs from my computer on them? maybe play fallout 2 on it? I just want to know whats the deal with these phones, because im thinking about getting the nokia lumia 710 windows 7 phone but i dont know what it has to offer thats better than android really.

what are your guys take on the windows 7 phone? btw i wont touch the iphone... so dont recommend it
Windows 7 is app based.

Anyway I love my Windows 7 phone but I really don't need much from a smartphone app wise. Window 7 phone has phone, sms, internet, e-mail, maps, Camera and Minesweeper and I don't need anything else.

Windows 8 Phone is going to be the the potential game changer metro and everything. And pure Desktop-Tablet-Phone-Next Xbox integration.
what i do not like about android is being locked into gmail.

i get 2-3 emails by gmail a year.

my main mailbox is my aol email. it has been going on 15 years now.