Pic from the SW E3 trailer.


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

did you really get your panties in a bunch over this lame little screenshot?

by the gods! get out more!

ow wait

I haven't lived in my parents' basement since college :)

For the record, I'm 40, own a very nice house, have a beautiful wife, 2 cars, and a job as a game programmer.

And Episode III looks to be the movie I've been waiting for since Return of the Jedi. So pardon me for looking forward to it :)
oi dudes, just pulling your legs here

chill out, this is the internet remember?
Psycho, does your reaction to Suicide's comment mean you're actually living in your mother's basement?
Na, I got my own place.

THough my parents wouldnt mind if I lived with them since Imonly in town til end of January when I go off for basic.
Good luck in the military Psycho-

Folks, remember, personal attacks are not appreciated.

But Star Wars III? Hmmm..

I think the new ones are being undeservedly slammed. They might not be as "Cutting Edge" as the first three, but they still tell the story well enough and in the old "saturday matinee adventure film" form.
Normally I'd be jumping up and down at the sight of a screenshot like this, but after George Lucas repeatedly proved himself to be a directing disaster, I no longer really care.

MrSmileyFaceDude said:
For the record, I'm 40, own a very nice house, have a beautiful wife, 2 cars, and a job as a game programmer.
Same as me. Except in my case, I'm 20, own a very nice trailer, have a beautiful wife who also happens to be my niece, my step-sister and my cousin in the second degree, 2 pick-up trucks, and a job as a harvester mechanic.