Pic from the SW E3 trailer.

Ugly John said:
Big_T_UK said:
but why is it that you find Carrie Fisher particularly attractive?
I mean, she's alright but nothing more.

It's an older guy's thing.

and finally, the thrid film is coming, then we can all put this sage behind us and cary on.

Ugly John is right, nothing as watching her by the side of Jabba with a leash and a leather bikini to arouse our imagination ,didn`t had much more than imagination by then :? .

Hated the last two movies though, quite repelent, really really weak movies. Liked the first trilogy though, even with the changes.
Looking at the trailer, E3 is gona rock.

Ive got the trailer, but lack a reliable method to deliver it, since Im on 56k and sending out emails would take forever, and the link I got it from is dead due to SW.com threat of legal action.

If I could get someone to privatley host it, and send it to known people here who ask, then I could email it to them or something.

And if you DL it elseware, remember the HIRES version of it is just over 10MB
Notice Padme with the leia cinamon bunns hairdo ?

And the familiar ship corridor that 3PO was in ?

And the sabers that Obiwan/Anikan were using ?
The "rise of Vader" just might be the greatest thing I've seen today.
May 2005 just seems to be too far away...
(hmm, it rhymes, unintentionally)
If they also have a suitable execution scene of Jar-Jar in the movie, we're talking about the greatest film ever.
I used to have a fullsized pic of JarJars death, heres alll I have left


Unfortunitly, its not real.

The line I anticipate most from E3 is "Mesa gona go live on Alderaan. Mesa thinks its gona be safea there."
Argh...I just recovered from the horrible memories of Jar Jar, why must your bring up that abomination?!? I lost interest after E1 in the "new" releases. Was Jar Head in E2 often/at all?
JarJar was background in E3.

Though he did get to be the senator that made Palpitine's rise to power possible.