Pick a card any card

What I have to actually spell it out.:

Me mindless droid me agree with Sander!
cuss I clearly feel that writing what I wrote is the same as saying I agree with Sander and Von Drunky.
MediaMogul said:
What I have to actually spell it out.:

Me mindless droid me agree with Sander!
cuss I clearly feel that writing what I wrote is the same as saying I agree with Sander and Von Drunky.
Er, yeah, it isn't. Which is why I said you should read the entire thread.
Since it's been pretty much established the boy wasn't near, it was probably code.
no clearly the boy used the time space contium to travel in time and space get teh answer andt hen travel back to 2 secodns after he left just in time to answer the phone.

It is really this simple.
MediaMogul lasted too long.

Great evil one is too obvious as a code, so it would be better to use that as an amusing diversion whilst more innocuous comments provide the abstract number of the card, such as based on time, tapping on the phone, words or syllables with punctuation code, possibly to provide coordinates on grids near the phone. But that would take a bit of effort, so it's probably just the simpler code.
A text message to his son while reaching for the regular phone. Not a very brilliant solution though. Still means he has to see your card. Did you have like a mirror behind you or under the deck?
My supervisor got back from vacation this week so I deiced to ask if it was code or not. I also wanted to confirm if he said “the great evil one”. As it turns out he called his son the great edameanie (don’t ask). Also he told me that there is a way to do it without seeing the card. We are now back on page one. Anymore theories on how this coding system might work, if one is present?