Pics from a dying city

Holy Mort said:
p.s. just a note - there is no racism involved in that graph [second from the top]. It's not the reason, it's a consequence.
Consequence of what? It doesn't make sense.
Thanks for link tho.
Wild_qwerty said:
Well if you look clossly to the 8th picture, just to the right of the doorway is a yellow sign that could explain why its all like that...

The yellow sign appears to be something like a warning sign for radioactivity, but it is strange that the three circle-thingies are white in stead of yellow or red.
Bullseye said:
The yellow sign appears to be something like a warning sign for radioactivity, but it is strange that the three circle-thingies are white in stead of yellow or red.
Nope, it means 'Fallout shelter'.