Pipboy Tattoo


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Someone on the SA forums got this as a tattoo. I don't think I'd ever get a tattoo myself, but this looks pretty good.
The tattoo is okay, I guess, although I do think that the guy who drew the tattoo could have done a better job (the lines are way too thin, the original drawing has lines that look like they've been made with a brush, not with a pen).

Now take a look at this guy's skin and do tell me: is that a rash? Is it? Eh? And what's with all the blackheads, eh? Doesn't this guy know what hygiene is? Eh? Eh? Eh? :wiggle:
That's not a rash, it's a natural reaction to a small needle piercing your skin hundreds of times. It tends to redden when that happens :roll:

Zits, I dunno. Maybe he's just a nasty fuck.
I dont know... being of irish decent i'm about as pale as they come when i havent been exposd to sunlight 24 of the last 28 hours... skin loosk okay to me... as for the redness most of you mistake for a rash... being tattooed a few times myself, can honestly say that's a natural reaction to being tattoed.
Oh! So... this is like... a really fresh tattoo then? Like, 'Hey mom, will you please take a picture of my 5-minutes-old tattoo so I can post it on the SA forums? Peh-lease?'



Oh, by the way: is that the original size? And where did he put that tattoo anyway? I mean, for all we know, we could be admiring this guy's butt... :roll:
not necessarily... the flames around my phoenix tattoo were red and an irritared for almost two weeks... of course, they cover my entire outer bicep from shoulder to about an inch and a quarter above the elbow...

edit: Perhaps if you were to get a tattoo of your own you might understand? or perhaps your skin is too pretty to tatoo.
I see. Two weeks, eh?
Ah well. I was thinking about putting my real name on my arm or shoulder like fishermen used to do.
No, I don't own a boat, but amnesia and dementia run in the family, and I don't want to be a helpless victim of heredity when the shit hits the fan (so to speak).
I don't want to have a red and Ubersensitive arm, though, and surely not for two weeks.
Maybe I'll just use a marker pen, eh... :roll:

I've seen people put their name, bloodtype ans social security number on their chest in case their shot or killed in combat.

if your thinking of putting your name anywhere the pouular chouce seems to be the outside of your calf. could just be an us army thing though.
Blade Runner said:
Oh, by the way: is that the original size? And where did he put that tattoo anyway? I mean, for all we know, we could be admiring this guy's butt... :roll:

I didn't bother to ask about the size, but that's the same pic size that he posted. It's on the back of his shoulder, so no, you aren't looking at someone's butt - that picture would take on a whole new weird meaning if it was there.

I didn't think the reaction would be this bad. Oh well, I hope he likes it at least.
Montez said:
Someone on the SA forums got this as a tattoo.
So is there a handy-dandy link for those of us who are too lazy to browse through the SA forums to find the aformentioned thread?

I'd be interested to see what they have to say about it.
Some guy on that SA forum wrote this:

SacrificialGoat said:
That knife looks a bit strange in that situation. At first glance, I thought he had shot the other pipboy and was proceeding to fuck the bullethole with a monstrous black dong. I'm glad I was wrong.

He's not wrong, is he? That knife does look a *bit* strange, doesn't it? :roll:

And hey: there was another picture in that thread showing a BOS symbol on someone's shoulder. Someone mentioned it was from NMA. Who's got that tattoo? :eyebrow:
Heh. It's rather cool. Ah well.

Meh, tattoos. I'd want one, but I wouldn't be able to decide what exactly I'd want for a tattoo. I did see the Torment sign tattooed a couple of times. That would be pretty cool...


PS: APTYP, any links to those other pipboy tattoos?