Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

See anything you like? Also please link the reddit thread I have to see that.

90% of your defense of the original Fallout games hinge on your personal nostalgia and extreme desire to be a bunch of contrarians who go against the mainstream to feel cool.
I'm more upset by the guy who said the Fallout series has never had compelling stories like JRPGs.
Okay, this is more than a sentence, but I just found this message some girl sent me on Facebook, here's a bit of context.
It was a Fallout 4 Page and someone posted that they didn't like the DLC, I posted up my thoughts on it, and she started having a go saying "If you don't like it, sell it, no one wants your negativity."
Cut some of it short, I tell her no I won't stop, and if she doesn't like it, she should block me.
After some arguing back and forth (It basically amounts to me saying I hate that a series I love so much has gone down the way it has, and that we shouldn't just settle for mediocrity when the series before had games that were so good).
Anyway, she blocked me, but not before sending me this nice little message.
I mean, I was kind of overjoyed when I saw this. I've been kinda shitty for the last few days so this certainly brought some sort of entertainment.

You are by far an over entitled whiney little cunt and your mother should be ashamed of the garbage she brought into this world. Go fuck yourself you little pussy bitch. If you dont like the game no one fucking cares. Now go grab your razor blade and cut yourself some more you emo sack of shit. Hopefully this time you bleed out you worthless waste of space
"I have never played Fallout 1 and 2 but I consider them bad because they are not like Fallout 4."
I mean, I was kind of overjoyed when I saw this. I've been kinda shitty for the last few days so this certainly brought some sort of entertainment.
If they resort to blocking and petty insults, it means that you've won an argument against a Bethesdrone.
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