Pissed off by aliens (and liking it)

DexterMorgan said:
Anyone finding "moments of insight into the human condition" in Fallout 3 should be pitied, not criticized.

I think I know how to make light of this.

Have you ever wanted something so badly that when you were dissapointed and found out whatever it was you wanted, a nut or bolt kinda slipped loose in your mind and you just pretended it was you had whatever it was you wanted because otherwise you'd go freaking insane?

I heard an old folk tale about the Russians during World War 2. They would sit, six to eight in a large room with a loaf of bread, and a few slices of meat. They would cut the bread, and one by one, take the meat, place it upon the bread, and eat the bread, while pushing the meat forward - as to have the smell of it, but not eat it. They would then pass the salami or whatever have it around the room until the loaf was consumed.

The same thing might be happening here.

He knows the game is a shit sandwich. He's just eating it with tears in his eyes pretending it's chocolate.