Plot holes in the gameplay trailer of Fallout 4?


Learned to love the bomb
In forethought, I think that two of the things we saw in the gameplay trailer for Fallout 4 could be considered 'plot holes'.

One thing is that the main character wakes up 200 years after the nuclear war and when he gets back to his old house his Mr.Handy is still active and functional, so this would mean that a robot was simply capable float around on his jetpack for 200 years without running out of fuel or batteries and without getting destroyed by the nuclear blast and subsequent radiation and electromagnetic pulses and without getting disabled and dismantled for spare parts by scavengers and without simply getting short circuited due to staying active for such a long time.

The other thing is that when the main character meets Dogmeat he immediatly acts totally friendly towards him despite him being a total stranger. When you look at the rest of the Fallout lore the post-apocalyptic world is painted as being a though place to survive in and people are almost never too picky about what they eat. In Fallout 1, there is a stand that sells iguana meat and even human meat. In Fallout 2, the entire plot revolves around saving your village from starvation and it is also established that the housecat became extinct due to people hunting it for meat after the war. In Fallout Tactics, the raider gang of Macomb started out with starving people raiding caravans to look for something to eat. In Fallout New Vegas, the denizens hunt rats and radroaches for meat and are highly dependent on the NCR for their nourishment. So, when you look at the rest of the Fallout lore, it becomes clear that a dog that acts as friendly towards strangers as the one we saw in the Fallout 4 trailer would very likely be killed and eaten. Even in real life most adult dogs aren't that friendly towards strangers. Dogs that survived the war would very likely be living in feral packs that are scared of, if not downright predatorial towards, humans and the ones that would remain domesticated would more likely be trained be aggressive towards everyone.
On the subject of Mr. Handy, it's likely he's operating on some mix of fusion power as well as perhaps propane-based fuel -- a hybrid. If his tank's running low, he's probably programmed to refill it himself. He also probably has regular downtime, shutting himself down to conserve his innards and then rebooting at a later date to resume his pre-programmed functions. The Sole Survivor caught him on a good day.

You make some valid points about Dogmeat, but another explanation might be that he WAS domesticated, and just recently lost his master. It's not TOO far out of the way to assume that he'd lock onto the first non-threatening human he came across as a potential replacement -- dogs are pack animals, after all, and domesticated dogs simply regard their human owners as senior pack members. His first priority after losing his pack would be to find a new one, and if that came in the form of a confused stranger wearing a blue and yellow skin-tight jumpsuit, then fuck it, it's worth a shot. Better than being alone.
Well Pre war robots surviving is not a new thing after Fo3. So no sense in getting hung up on that. At least it could potentially be an interesting companion, at least more interesting than another dumb dog.
Well Pre war robots surviving is not a new thing after Fo3. So no sense in getting hung up on that. At least it could potentially be an interesting companion, at least more interesting than another dumb dog.
Most dogs in the real world arent interesting. This dog (which is NOT Dogmeat, I hear you can rename it yourself) was never meant to be an interesting companion, just a companion. And who says it wont be like Fallout 3/ New Vegas where you can have one full size companion (Codsworth) and one "pet" companion (Dog)?
Then why did they focus so much on the dumb dog if it was meant to not be interesting? That's kind of a dumb thing.
Kinda pointless to talk about plotholes in a trailer, imo.

Besides, as far as I've understood, most of the robots in Fo3 and FNV are active since pre-war or something.
Then why did they focus so much on the dumb dog if it was meant to not be interesting? That's kind of a dumb thing.
Wow, you are really getting worked up on this, are you? Its just, as you say, a "dumb" dog. Ok, your view of this is "they are focusing on this, it means its major" my view is "its just a fun feature for people who likes it, just an option, no different from the house/ village building mechanic".
Worked up? I think you are taking stuff personally for some reason.

Why focus on somethign uninteresting on the conference? That's like focusing on the Plume collecting on an AssCreed conference.
Worked up? I think you are taking stuff personally for some reason.

Why focus on something uninteresting on the conference? That's like focusing on the Plume collecting on an AssCreed conference.
Ok, how is me saying "Hey, its just a dog, a cool feature, the game isnt gonna revolve around it" taking things personally? Im just being logical. Not jumping to conclusions.
You somehow are getting that me thinking the dog is uninteresting means I am worked up over it.
You somehow are getting that me thinking the dog is uninteresting means I am worked up over it.
No, its the fact that DESPITE thinking the Dog is uninteresting you still find it a big enough deal to make a complaint about, that its apparently a valid mark against the game. Seriously, its just a dog. Some people liking having a dog. Some dont. Thats it.
Dude, you are making some mad leaps in judgement..... maybe you should drink some water and chill out.....

You are taking any minor negativity as "SWEEPING STATEMENTS ON THE GAME!" just calm down....
Dude, you are making some mad leaps in judgement..... maybe you should drink some water and chill out.....

You are taking any minor negativity as "SWEEPING STATEMENTS ON THE GAME!" just calm down....
Im sorry. You just seemed like you made a big deal about the dog. To me, complaining about the dog would be similar to complaining about the addition of a new color for your Spartan in Halo. It...seriously has NO effect on the game.
I just think the time spent on the dog could've been spent on actually going in depth with whatever they have done to the Dialogue system or even on the Robot which seems to be more interesting with all and the "recorded 1000 common names" gimmick.
I just think the time spent on the dog could've been spent on actually going in depth with whatever they have done to the Dialogue system or even on the Robot which seems to be more interesting with all and the "recorded 1000 common names" gimmick.
Why give up their biggest secret right then and there? I am just gonna sit and wait. See what happens