Polaks and Fallout

Maybe Polish people just like Fallout games because they recognize it as a quality Roleplaying game. Or maybe it's just because Fallout games are the most advanced and graphically appealing computer games that their ancient Computers are able to run :P LOL
Re: Polish people and their enthusiasm making Fallout-mods

Gollum said:
Ahh, I just hope that polish guys would actually finish some of their mods or make a game of their own with their own engine or something like that.

Yeah, but we've made quite many Fallout mods so far (like grat Awaken for Tactics, which took me 3 days to finish it! and I spent many hours playing :)), and new games like Sigonyth or Burguoise are going to be finished quite soon...

About post-nuclear views outside our windows... yeah, we got them quite meny, untill 1989 we had something called "PGR-s" - it was sth like farms, factories and so on which belonged to government and for exmpl. on 1 huuuge farm with many building worked about 200-500 people (sometimes even all men from nearest village etc.). After 1989 thos buildings were abandoned, so it looks quite creepy now... you can find many in here:
Poncho said:
i thot everyvone here was amarican they speeks amarican so can they be something else
That's beacuse you're too stupid to even know how to spell.

Improve or you may have to face the consequences.

And don't spam.

Also, FYI, we write, not speak, English, not amarican in here. Although it *is* American English in most cases.

EDIT: (m)added comma.
Gomen kudasai!!

I admit and apologize for bringing my somewhat narrow-sighted views on your Eastern Europe culture. There were some racist opinions that interfered my otherwise ostensibly impartial sightings. I really hope for your forgiveness and therefore I'm presenting my most sincere regrets for offending Polaks. Really.

I based my claims on the clicheed images of Poland and got bit carried away while writing the arguments. More conventional version of my 'accusations' is available in BBC's website, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4745551.stm .

"We will enjoy 5.4% GDP growth this year, but if our system was clearer we would probably have 10%. We would be able to use our assets and our capabilities in a far more efficient way."
Hey, I become an admin and before you know it, people start apologising :D

BBC said:
Most Poles do not perceive their country as corrupt

Hur hur hur. I'm a minority...

Anyways, please talk about Poland in respect of Fallout here, wanna discuss our corruption, please start a separate thread.