Ceacar99 said:
um.... right..... ya like the taxes on oil they want in order to force the economy to go green(like in many highly socialist eurpean nations) even when the oil companies are not charging an arm an a leg. like the smoking bans they put in place with the ideal that second hand smoke is incredibly deadly. the list goes on and on.... all of them are in place in the name of "enforcing equality" or protecting people.
Why are you consistently ignoring what I am saying?
Your definition of the word 'liberal' is completely fucked up.
That is what I am saying.
Please stop using it as some all-encompassing word to try to describe anything that is not neo-conservative.
ceacar99 said:
i fail to understand how this differs from almost all the liberals ive met or known about... like the liberals that protested the violence of the vietnam war and then burned down buildings in the process. usually the liberal movement is stuffed full of elitist people who feel that they are more enlightened then everyone else and that in the very manner of politcal opinion others are "lesser".
a good example of this is the hybrid movement, where modern liberals try to guilt trip you into buying one. they do this with the social mentality that you are a lesser being unless you belong to their social group. really it works VERY well, and its a populist system of politics that guides people around like cattle.
Good job ignoring the entire fucking point.
Let's try this again, shall we?
- Might makes right, and the mightiest individual leads us all
- Might does not make right, instead everyone must rule everything
These two things are complete polar opposites. How do you not understand this?
If you do not understand that Fascism is about the worship of *individual* power and socialism isn't, then you do not understand either ideology.
ceacar99 said:
both rely on those who feel disinfranchised by the current system.
As does every single political party that isn't in party.
Why are you still pretending like this is a unique thing for the groups you want it to be unique thing for? Of course they appeal to people who are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, if they weren't appealing to them they'd be running the government.
ceacar99 said:
in HIGH income disparity societies like the united states the difference between the rich and the middle class can be so great that they are tied in with the lower class in social movements like that. further that statement that fascism relies on the middle class is debunked by the fact that it usually found real root in societies either ripe in lower class or high income disparity. see germany, italy, and even the south american fascist states. look at russia, or china. they all had that income disparity or the lower class abundance in common.
Again, missing the point.
Look at what fascism actually proposes to do. It isn't about protecting the lower classes or destroying the capitalist swines.
Fascism is about creating a world for your own group of people, led by strong individual leaders who distinguished themselves through power (not through blood relations, ie aristocracy).
That doesn't matter for the common worker struggling to get by, what they want to hear is that they'll get more money as they're working the hardest - which is definitely not one of fascism's tenets.
ceacar99 said:
class warfare IS about finding a scapegoat
Then you do not understand the idea of class warfare.
Class warfare isn't about finding a scapegoat per se, although often that is part of what happens.
Class warfare isn't about finding someone to go kick against, supposedly class warfare is about struggling for control of resources.
Class warfare is not about going 'Hey those guys caused us to lose the war, let's go kill them!', which is what scapegoating is about.
ceacar99 said:
see, thats where the arguement can be defined. some people consider the ussr the ultimate extreeme in socialism, others say it isnt. however all seem to agree that it was a perversion of the original marx ideals.
The USSR was never the ultimate extreme in socialism, and no one can honestly pretend it was. No state ruled by a single supreme ruler is every going to be the ultimate extreme in socialism.
Aside from that, the USSR was certainly in part a socialist state, mostly in its economic policies. It was also a very totalitarian and oppressive state - something that does not fit with the ideological socialism.
And why? Simply because Stalin, Lenin and basically the entire system consisted of power-hungry assholes, like the entire world does.
ceacar99 said:
i much rather have the contestation of ideas and having the best one win, or a combination(as with our consitution) then trusting some bleeding heart moron to do the thinking for us. the liberal movement is all about trusting the moron.... look at the liberal reaction to "an inconvenient truth" nobody thought about what was in the movie, or questioned some of the "facts' in it but rather they followed it like sheep.
Yes, that following people just because they say something is certainly a unique trait of liberalism.
No one ever told a bunch neo-conservatives 'Saddam has WMD we must kill him!' and they just bunched up behind him without ever being even slightly critical of the situation.
No one ever told a bunch of people 'Hey, God created the earth in 7 days!' and those people just blindly followed every word of it, denying their children the option to even listen to alternatives.
There are millions of examples and they aren't, again, some hallmark of liberalism.
Yet again: stop trying to take general aspects of human beings, and then try to make it seem as if those are distinguishing features of liberalism.
ceacar99 said:
usually the left wing is defined by proposing a change to the standard practices of the world. going back to the right in some senses is going back to the norm. though in a political paradox you could also consider a right opinionated person actually to be on the left in that nation if he is a signifigant departure to the norm. sometimes political paradoxes are confusing, lol.
Political paradoxes aren't confusing (or even paradoxes) if you don't use different definitions for the same word every other sentence. That only leads to fuzzy thinking.
Which is also why the term 'liberal' is meaningless as you are using it.
ceacar99 said:
alone its not much, but combined with the ideal that the strongest heaviest governmental control comes under leftist systems and you get a perspective. true, even people who were once on the right spectrum once they gained power to change things they lost perspective and often went out of control.
How the fuck do you even get the word 'even' in there? Do you have some kind of blind spot for basically any totalitarian regime that isn't somewhat socialist (which is both the vast majority of totalitarian regimes now, as it certainly was in the past - most obviously before the 20th century).
Also, I like how you completely ignored all of the examples I named of fascism not coming from liberal sources. I'll repeat again:
Sander said:
Mussolini wasn't leftist, nor was the NSDAP (excluding the SA, which was eliminated in the Night of the Long Knives). Franco wasn't leftist. WW2-era Japan wasn't leftist. Pinochet wasn't leftist.