[Poll] KB&M or Controller?


First time out of the vault
Clearly this is a forum for PC users playing Fallout 3, since modding is impossible on the Xbox360. So I'm here to ask, is there anyone else out there who took advantage of the PC support for an Xbox360 controller, or am I the only one?

Those of you playing with the Keyboard & Mouse might think I'm crazy, but I've found that it actually makes the game more enjoyable. Since I don't own any consoles and am a complete novice with a controller, it also adds challenge to the game.

What's more, with a controller the Pip-Boy layout actually makes sense, the lock picking mini-game is a little more fun, and I don't get carpal tunnel symptoms after playing for 12 hours at a stretch.

Thoughts? And don't forget to tell me which you use.
Since the interface for FO3 was designed with consoles in mind, it should make more sense with a gamepad. I use the ubiquitous keyboard and mouse, though. I absolutely cannot stand aiming with a gamepad. The only two types of games that I play and find a gamepad more useful for are platformers (which are basically console only anyways) and racing games.
I could never play a game that requires any semblance of precision aiming with a controller.

I'm all about precision, and playing F3 without a mouse and keyboard, especially when your out-of-vats aiming is hamstrung by the fact that all weapons have a nonsensical cone of fire (even when at 100% condition with 100 skill) would be extremely frustrating for me.

Logitech rumblepad 2 for snes/n64/psx games... mouse and keyboard for everything else.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
I could never play a game that requires any semblance of precision aiming with a controller.

Pretty much sums it up for me. I only ever use my controller for CAPCOM games.
It's funny, because that's exactly how I feel. Every time I run into a tough encounter, I'm completely tempted to switch over to KB&M so i can conserve ammo and get headshots. 30 knee-shots and 1 dead raider later, I'm glad I didn't.

Of course, I'm also out of ammo. But that's besides the point ;)
It doesn't really need any precision or twitch shooting, VATS or not. FO3 is very slow paced, compared to real shooters.

I played through the PC version with the controller (much easier to relax on the couch in front of the HDTV with the controller, kb+m feels kinda iffy in this situation) and it was stupidly easy.
gothfox said:
It doesn't really need any precision or twitch shooting, VATS or not. FO3 is very slow paced, compared to real shooters.

It does if you plan on conserving ammo.

Sneak headshots with the hunting rifle will one-shot everything up to brutes, and by the time you encounter those you'll most likely have lincoln's repeater which takes care of them (and masters/enclave) quite nicely.

Manually aiming for those headshots is MUCH easier than rolling the dice with vats, since you'll have an absurdly bad chance to get a headshot even with sniper, commando, wired reflexes and a perfect condition weapon at anything farther than 15 feet.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
gothfox said:
It doesn't really need any precision or twitch shooting, VATS or not. FO3 is very slow paced, compared to real shooters.

It does if you plan on conserving ammo.

Sneak headshots with the hunting rifle will one-shot everything up to brutes, and by the time you encounter those you'll most likely have lincoln's repeater which takes care of them (and masters/enclave) quite nicely.

Manually aiming for those headshots is MUCH easier than rolling the dice with vats, since you'll have an absurdly bad chance to get a headshot even with sniper, commando, wired reflexes and a perfect condition weapon at anything farther than 15 feet.
I used a 360 controller, and ammo was never a problem.

There is so much ammo for the low-tech weapons that you can pretty much run around gunning off.

Like has been said, FO3 isn't about precision aiming.

Also the 360 pad is so much more comfortable than any kb/mouse combo for me.
the joystick is pathetic for a first person game.... now i know that fo3 doesnt require the rapid pace of say quake but its still fundamnetally a shooter. i dont know about you, but i like my ability to sight in on someone's head in about a quarter second, im not giving that up for some crappy controller.... lol and yes, i can sight get a headshot pretty much that fast, comes from my cs days shooting single fire with the holy 47.
its an FPS hence kb/mouse only
playing with a gamepad might make seem VATS more of a must-use so it feels more like TB combat overall.
I want to get a controller for added challenge. Then i might actually need to use VATS/Godmode. Sneak headshots with the unique plasma rifle turns almost anything into a pile of green goo.
I've tried it with both. Since I am on a laptop and usually not sitting at a desk, I more often than not use my xbox controller. Normally, however, I would prefer to use the keyboard, but I've played many console shooters, so I don't struggle with the controller at all. I also have no issues with conserving ammunition, as I'm a pretty decent shot with the controller.

What irks me really is that this game was pretty much designed for the xbox controller and not the keyboard/mouse. I hate that. Oh well.