
Vault Sweeper
Board Cop oTO
So, guys and gals. My friend Alek whipped up a new flash.

POLSUPAH (small warning; violence and some off-screen sex, not necessarily worksafe)

Enjoy, and don't forget to smile.
Was it?

It's rather typical actually, God only knows how many similar flashs are out there, with a similar joke and extreme violence. I've seen enough of them, and it was not humorous the first time I saw such.
Pretty boring. Reminded me of another flash animation though, which I find quite sick.


Also check out the Salad Fingers animations, they're deliciously disturbing.

edit: Not worksafe, violence etc.
Uh ya...that was disturbing. Yet hilarious!

I'll be sure not to talk to any salesmen anytime soon.

:idea: ,
The Vault Dweller
Actually a lot funnier than "milkman" IMHO, I did laugh, although it was not quite the funniest I've ever seen, which would have to be "The demented Cartoon Movie"...
The "The demented Cartoon Movie" was really boring. I only watched the first five minutes or so and then went to the toilet to take a shit. I guess I didn't miss much when I returned.

Kotario pretty much hit the nail on the head. There can only be so much commentary about consumerism coupled with ultra violence before it becomes old hat.

Also, your friend needs to work on his pacing.

Also, tell him to get a better mic.
Predictable. You saw where it was going to go the moment the guy slashed Timmy. Ah well.
master_of_flamaster said:
Actually a lot funnier than "milkman" IMHO, I did laugh, although it was not quite the funniest I've ever seen, which would have to be "The demented Cartoon Movie"...
The "The demented Cartoon Movie" was really boring. I only watched the first five minutes or so and then went to the toilet to take a shit. I guess I didn't miss much when I returned.

Seconded... I was ready to close it by the introduction (which seemed largely ripped from Monty Python).
Its better than being forced to watch your friend's awful cartoon for five minutes just to find out it really DOES suck. Poland is like the ass of Europe now, I can't even look at you straight. Maybe gay?
The problem with the Demented Cartoon Movie was that it was TOO LONG. The pacing for something that long and plain was terrible.

The trip to Mars was just painful.

You also might as well just have linked to an MP3 of American Idioth, because that cartoon was just lame. Group X holla. :o
Brady said:
Poland is like the ass of Europe now, I can't even look at you straight. Maybe gay?

Hah. Bold words for someone from Oklahoma, oh-all mighty Flash Master. Delect us with one of your own flash animations, then.