Poor Polacks


Half-way Through My Half-life
Conservatives win election in Poland

No more graffiti for Wooz?

More Polish jokes, again about political backwardness, for the rest of us?

I also find it ironic that many of the American "coalition of the willing" that went to Iraq have had governmental changes in a reactionary vein (see Spain). Bush is such a polarizer; too bad he moves everyone backwards rather than forwards.

What's with the sudden strengthening of right-wing parties throughout the world? Have voters suddenly been afflicted by some obscure retard-disease?
Murdoch said:
governmental changes in a reactionary vein (see Spain).

I never realised the Spanish socialists were a reactionary party...

Msr. Le Rat said:
Have voters suddenly been afflicted by some obscure retard-disease?

It's called 'being Polish'. A little political correctness, please.
Graz'zt said:
What's with the sudden strengthening of right-wing parties throughout the world? Have voters suddenly been afflicted by some obscure retard-disease?

People are starting to wake up to the fact that the only thing the left ever offered anyone was inverted feudalism.
Props to Gerard Heime for finding this:

Impossible. As we speak, my countless Angelina Jolie clone-slaves are building a rocket in which we shall emigrate to Mexico, along with a chosen number and set up a Polish colony, that will prove Fas Ist's theory of Slavic expansionism.

I guess the only thing good about The "Ducktales" (cue 8 bit NES SFX) elections's outcome, and Kaczynski*'s Law and Justice party rule can be the emergence of a more sensible, stronger Left. Or the sight of the president-elect to meet with Miterrand.

CCR, before you choose to lucubrate on matters that surpass by far your limited, self-imposed worldview, do some research on them first. FYI, the leader of the most radical and retard-ridden Left party, Samoobrona, appealed to his voters to vote for Kaczyński.
I won't even bother to start pointing out the Grand Canyon-sized flaws of your statement by logical or historical arguments. Your logic is becoming very similar to a Stalin-era schoolbook writer.

*Kaczyński: Think Giuliani, but smaller, fatter, dumber and less articulate.
Ey Wooz, wasn't he the guy that pissed everone off by not allowing that Gay Parade while I was there?

*EDIT* Those two events were completely unrelated, btw.
Ey Wooz, wasn't he the guy that pissed everone off by not allowing that Gay Parade while I was there?

Which seems kind of ironic, considering the fact that he and his evil twin were the stars of this cinematic production:

I'm not a big fan of Euro-conservatives anyway. Socially conservative social democrats, the whole lot. Go Neoliberal parties.
Poor?Didn't they elect him?!

That remmembers me the quote of Silencer:
Silencer (Personal Message) said:
Also, you must have missed all the Polish elections since 1996. Now, :arrow: Right Wing Slavic parties will rule us. And some liberals.
Now, Polaks will be ruled by some conservators :rofl:
Poor indeed. The vast majority of his electorate are the simple minded country folk. Urban areas, including Warsaw, the city he's a mayor in, voted some 85-90% in favour of the other candidate.

Fas Ist said:
Now, Polaks will be ruled by some conservators

Fear the Department of Monument Conservation!
Dammit. Why does it bring 'Escape from LA' to my mind? The president there looks similiar to Kaczynski on one shot.

"You're gonna have to learn to respect the
law, Wooz. The Fascist State of Pologne is a no-
smoking nation. No smoking, no drinking,
do drugs, no women unless you're married,
no guns, no foul language. It's a brand
new day for you, Wooz."


And add the dumbass Andrew Lepper as the vicemarshall of the Parliament, stir, add a bit of idiocy, and you get our new government.
I quit smoking in May.

Hey, cheer up. There's still a chance for the bird flu to wipe out the ducks.
Silencer (Personal Message) said:
Also, you must have missed all the Polish elections since 1996. Now, :arrow: Right Wing Slavic parties will rule us. And some liberals.

Well, by that I meant the League of <s>Extraordinary</s> Polish Families, not Law nad Justice, but it all totals up to that...

PS. Mike,Wooz, I see misfortune brings you guys together :P

The president of parliament is from the same party as most of the parliament and the republic's president. The vice-marshall is Andrzej Lepper, a populist.
The president of parliament is a guy who flew to Pinochet with a gravure of Poland's religious icon, the Virgin of Częstochowa. He also is related with Radio Maryja, a nationalist catholic propaganda radio.

On top of that, he advanced the idea of corporal punishment in elementary schools.

Fan-fucking tastic.
Wooz said:

The president of parliament is from the same party as most of the parliament and the republic's president. The vice-marshall is Andrzej Lepper, a populist.
The president of parliament is a guy who flew to Pinochet with a gravure of Poland's religious icon, the Virgin of Częstochowa. He also is related with Radio Maryja, a nationalist catholic propaganda radio.

On top of that, he advanced the idea of corporal punishment in elementary schools.

Fan-fucking tastic.

Yup. conservative politicians are continually proving themselves to be the most wonderful human beings all around the world.