Portal 2 announced

Understated indeed.
I can't wait, this game was beautiful.
I truly hope they don't fuck it up, but Valve has a pretty good record of not fucking things up too much, so I'll allow it.
Ohboy-ohboy-ohboy-ohboy-ohboy! Awesome! I wonder how will they pull this off, since you aren't SPOILER in an underground lab with no exit and conveniently placed ledges and holes anymore.
Neamos said:
Ohboy-ohboy-ohboy-ohboy-ohboy! Awesome! I wonder how will they pull this off, since you aren't SPOILER in an underground lab with no exit and conveniently placed ledges and holes anymore.

That would be fantastic if they intermingled the story with the portal gun and the events that happened between half life 1 and 2, and perhaps even brought you back to aperture science somehow along the story line.
Anyone else but me that absolutely hate G4TV?

And yes, Portal was a great game, very funny, nice humor in it.. and well, sort of short :)

I hope Portal 2 wont be as short, and that it wont be sold in a package :roll: I'd rathre buy it single only 'n like..for 2 bucks :mrgreen:
I haven't seen anywhere that Doug has officially announced it yet. I think she made a little slip-up. :P
Good news though. I hope it's not just more of the same. There's custom levels for that.
myzko said:
Anyone else but me that absolutely hate G4TV?


For being the "Video Game" network, they sure do show a lot of non-video game oriented garbage.

but on topic...

I'd like to see something along the lines of Multiplayer for Portal, like building in a level editor and letting people play each others maps.

I'd also like to see Portal Kombat implemented, but that's probably just me and my insatiable quench for violence.