Portal is free

This actually makes me happy that I DID pay for it. Valve gives love and I give it back. Or it's the other way around but either way, it's cool.
I'm pissed that I bought it originally... they should offer something like a $20 voucher.
rcorporon said:
I'm pissed that I bought it originally... they should offer something like a $20 voucher.

That plus is really that much to ask for them to mow my lawn?
Leon said:
I always knew I shouldn't buy this game. Paid off, it did.

Registered it onto my Steam account, can't even play it at the moment because of my crap PC.

I hope I get a new PC in time for New Vegas, I really can't see myself playing it on my Xbox 360.
I got Portal on PS3 with The Orange Box, and it turned out to be the only good game in the whole overrated and -priced box, so for once Valve is actually doing something good.
Puokki said:
I got Portal on PS3 with The Orange Box, and it turned out to be the only good game in the whole overrated and -priced box, so for once Valve is actually doing something good.
Surely you jest. :(

I liked Half-Life 2, though I did enjoy the original Half-Life a lot more. Episode 1 was kinda mediocre, Episode 2 was decent and TF2 is the kind of game you have to know how to play to play properly. Portal is a great First-Person puzzle game though.

(Btw, above how I said I haven't bought it before doesn't mean I haven't played them, my brother owns the Orange Box.)
rcorporon said:
I'm pissed that I bought it originally... they should offer something like a $20 voucher.

Really? Do you generally stomp down the door of publishers to demand 50 dollars cash-back when you find their game years down the road in the bargain bin for 5 bucks?
Brother None said:
Really? Do you generally stomp down the door of publishers to demand 50 dollars cash-back when you find their game years down the road in the bargain bin for 5 bucks?

No, but considering how many people bought the Orange Box, giving away a game like Portal seems like something that is a very safe choice.
Surely you jest.

Hell no, I can't believe how overrated crap the whole Halfl-Life 2 was; clumsy puzzles, enemies ranging from imaginationless to extremely annoying, all the weaknesses of the who-knows-how-old game engine (no aiming, health packs, carrying all the weapons at the same time, screwed-up weapon balance etc.), FUCKING STRIDERS, raped console version with the undisputed worst vehcile controls ever, extremely annoying way to tell the cliched story with all the usual "We're losing this war, oh look, Freeman with his crowbar, we're winning this war!", loads of inplausibilities etc. etc.

TF2 wasn't all that bad, the errors were more in the fact that Valve doesn't give a shit about PS3, so none of the bugs, elevators and such were never fixed.
Puokki said:
TF2 wasn't all that bad, the errors were more in the fact that Valve doesn't give a shit about PS3, so none of the bugs, elevators and such were never fixed.
IIRC it was not because of Valve, but because extra payment demanded by Mickeysoft and Sony for being able to push updates over their network?
SuAside said:
Puokki said:
TF2 wasn't all that bad, the errors were more in the fact that Valve doesn't give a shit about PS3, so none of the bugs, elevators and such were never fixed.
IIRC it was not because of Valve, but because extra payment demanded by Mickeysoft and Sony for being able to push updates over their network?
No, that's their excuse for not selling it on the Xbox.

Their excuse for the PS3 is basically "we hate the PS3".
They didn't even make the Orange box port for it. They outsourced it to some random EA guys, so it's full of bugs and glitches.

Let that be a lesson to you all. Always buy Valve games on PC.

Puokki said:
all the weaknesses of the who-knows-how-old game engine (no aiming, health packs, carrying all the weapons at the same time
That has nothing to do with the game engine, it's just design decisions.
Some of us prefer it to today's aim-down-sights, auto-heal-if-you-duck-behind-cover, only-two-weapons-at-a-time DUMBEDDOWNCONSOLEBULLSHITDECLINEBANALBORINGSHITARGHARGHARGH
PlanHex said:
Their excuse for the PS3 is basically "we hate the PS3".
I feel the same way, so don't expect any sympathy from me.

PlanHex said:
Let that be a lesson to you all. Always buy Valve games on PC.
I thought the lesson was "fuck consoles". ;)
rcorporon said:
Brother None said:
Really? Do you generally stomp down the door of publishers to demand 50 dollars cash-back when you find their game years down the road in the bargain bin for 5 bucks?

No, but considering how many people bought the Orange Box, giving away a game like Portal seems like something that is a very safe choice.

No it fucking is not. The only gaming giant that exists while giving away games for free is Valve. Valve is showing consumers why they should buy more Valve products in the future. They are also probably giving respect to other developers that have products on Steam, since having Portal for free on Steam will increase traffic of visitors on Steam, and have them more likely to download Portal, plus buy a third-party product.

And in an age when corporations control the world, a fucking hand-out of gold is something you don't take for granted.

And micro-economics is a flimsy game that can be fucked up just buy the smallest slack in productivity. They probably waited to be able to afford doing this for a long time and now they have the opportunity.