Portal: Still Alive announced - Xbox exclusive?

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
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It was all good up until that horrid "exclusive to the xbox 360 bit"

Flip no.
Maybe it's just a standalone Portal for the Xbox Live Arcade with some extra stuff in it. Probably something like that.

In any case, I have serious doubts that Valve would make some Portal stuff just for a console and ignore their massive PC fanbase. Doesn't seem smart at all.
Hell, maybe we'll even get it for free alá the TF2 stuff.

These days 'exclusive to the 360' usually means 'coming to PC eventually' anyway so we'll probably get it.
I guess you could also twist the words 'a 2008 exclusive to the xbox360' into 'PC users get it Jan. 1. 2009'.
I really think this is just a way to compensate the xbox gamers for the lack of user created content which extends the current PC portal experience nicely.
Valve is very PC minded. if it's really Xbrick only, then it wont be much other than a Portal rerun.
Just guessing here but i think that its just way to say its not for ps3.

Many xbox360 "exclusives" are also for pc.
SuAside said:
if it's really Xbrick only, then it wont be much other than a Portal rerun.
I don't think so. The Orange Box was released for the 360, so it wouldn't make much sense to release Portal as a stand alone for the system. It's probably just another scenario with more GlaDOS and portal-gun goodness in new levels. I'm sure (or at least I very much hope) that Valve isn't actually making it exclusive to the 360. Their PC player-base will be up in arms if it is.
that would be a very strange deal, and valve is stronge enough to not be bribed or intimidated into such a deal

i guess, but one never knows. maybe they plan another bundle for their pc-base with this portal in it later on.