Matrix Fallout Gear Solid
Solid One: I know jujitsu...
Mike the Computer Operator: Would you like to know more?
Soon the Solid One learns boxing, karate, kempo, aikido, tae kwon do, hapkido, kick-boxing... all at level 1.
Mikes Friend Tom: 8 hours straight, he's like a machine... Dude you need to stop doing that already.
Mike: Your right the Solid One doesn't need training, he can snipe people in the head, even though he hasn't even seen a gun before in his life, no need to train.
One day through a chance meeting, the Solid One meets up with the famed Terrorist "Dual-Wieldus."
Statistics for both characters:
Solid One: Lvl 24 str 7 per 8 ag 8 end 6 int 8 chr 5 lck 7(Xeta Scan) 200% in all skills Gifted, Finesse, Sniper, Sharp shooter, Bonus Ranged Attacks, Bonus HtH attacks, HtH Evade, Quick Pockets, Dodger, and Action Boy. Wearing Combat Armor.
"Dual-Wieldus": Lvl 24 str 5 per 6 end 5 ag 8 end 5 int 7 chr 5 lck 6(Xeta Scan) 200% in all skills Fast Shot, Kamaikaze, 3 Toughness, Gunslinger, Bonus ranged attacks, Bonus HtH Attacks, Lifegiver, and Action Boy.
Solid One: I know Kung Fu
"Dual-Wieldus": Show me...
"Dual-Wieldus": This is a sparring arena... where you will proceed to kick my ass. Now Hit me.
Owing to the fact that "Dual-Wieldus" has kamaikaze he manages to go first. He unleashes a strange burst technique from his twin desert eagles emptying both clips at the completely unarmed Solid One. Owing to the fact that dual wielding has a huge proposed accuracy penalty "Dual-Wieldus" misses with several shots. The Solid One manages to dodge all but two shots with a deft maneuver of leaning left. But due to the fact that the proposed penalty for duel wielding includes a huge penalty to damage and critical hit those two shots that hit did no damage.
Ah but with the aid of modern time lapse slow motion cinematography we can actually capture the true motions of the Solid One, for he moves so fast that the naked eye cannot follow. First he ducked down, then he dove left, then he jumped to the right, then he rolled forward, then he did a leaping back flip, afterwards performing a limbo-style lean backwards, and finally culminated in his slow move to the left. "Dual-Wieldus" decides to spend the proposed 12 APs necessary to reload his guns.
Solid One: What are you saying, that I can dodge bullets?
"Dual Wieldus: Apparently so.
The Solid One then takes his turn. He reaches into his inventory, searching past his assault rifle, shotgun, plasma gun, rocket launcher, and bozar to find his sniper rifle. He pulls out the sniper rifle and looks through the scope targeting the eye. He squeezes off a round, Critically hitting "Dual-Wieldus" bypassing his "armor." (Uh... his armor right, over his eyes) The Solid One then looks through his scope again and can now clearly see the billboard advertisement for Nuka Cola out the back of "Dual-Wieldus'" head. Now for any normal person this might pose a problem but owing to the fact that "Dual-Wieldus" has three ranks in toughness and Lifegiver its really not that big of a deal.
The Solid One watching "Dual-Wieldus" bend over to pick up his guns realizes that there is a pause in combat. The Solid One decides to spend 3 APs taking a piss and another 2 APs to quickly down a 40 oz. Gamma Gulp Beer. The Solid One had also surreptiously placed his rocket launcher in his alternate quick weapon slot. So the Solid One reaches into his jacket (Because if it was on his back with the rest of his inventory he'd actually have to spend APs to get it) and pulls out a previously unseen 5 1/2 foot 75mm rocket launcher and fires. "Dual-Wieldus" was critically hit for 25 damage, unfortunately his spine is now clearly visible... to people in Thailand or wherever the Hell in Southeast Asia that it actually landed.
Moral of this story is... The proposed penalties for dual wielding are excessive. And two We dont need no stinking dual wielding of guns any way. Its inferior to having a rocket launcher at the ready.