Post Apocalyptic Books


First time out of the vault
For everybody who's interested in books similar to Fallout-

Most of these are series from the 1980s- post nuclear pulp fiction basically

The Survivalist series by Jerry Ahern. 27 total
Ashes series by William Johnstone (starts with Out of the Ashes). 34 total
The Guardians series by Richard Austin. 16 total
Endworld (unsure of total) and Blade series (13 total) by David Robbins.
Phoenix series by David Alexander. 5 total
Doomsday Warrior series by Ryder Stacy. 19 total
Deathlands and Outlanders series by James Axler. I'm sure you've heard of these. Too many to count now

I've got most of the Survivalist and Ashes series, all of the Guardians and Phoenix books, and a handfull of the others. They're mostly set right after a nuclear war instead of years later like Fallout, but they've got mutants, raiders, lots of gunplay, post holocaust adventure. My dad had a bunch of these and I've added to his collection the past 2 years. You can find these books real cheap online. Does anybody know of any movies that are like Fallout? I know they made a Deathlands movie for SciFi channel but heard it was pretty bad
not really hardcore post apoc books but there was a series of books that i read a few and enjoyed

it was a like rich guys bunker/city setup and they had a suv that ran on batteries or something and was heavily armored and their warriors picked their weapons and got to use them and picked their names.

the stories were the adventures of their warriors and such on adventures to the "wasteland".

always wanted to get more of those books and read them as the 2 i read were quite entertaining.
My two favourites, by a long stretch. Not nuclear apocalypse, but end of the world nonetheless:

Larry Niven's Lucifer's Hammer
(about a huge asteroid hitting Earth and the aftermath)

John Wyndham's The day of the Triffids
(about the whole world literally going blind, then falling prey to killer plants)
Not sure if you're going after post nuclear apoc books exclusively, but if you fancy other forms of apocalypse too, The Stand from Steven King is a rather good one.
Forgot about the Outrider series by Richard Harding and The Last Ranger series by Craig Sargent

If you've read one of these type of books you've read them all but I'm so fascinated by the post-nuclear wasteland idea that I continue my collection. That's also why I still play the first two Fallouts at least every 2 or 3 months
There is a series from the German author Wolfgang Holbein, its called Charity.
Not sure if the series has been translated into English tho.
Surely not the best piece of literature around but some of its similarities to Fallout are stunning.

[spoiler:9170c80de2] Its more like a mix between X-com and Fallout, Aliens nuke the Earth but only remotly occupy it and most is left in a post apocalyptic state. It has even retro 50 stuff because the earth govenor (apointed by the aliens) is very found of it.[/spoiler:9170c80de2]
day of the triffids is really good, although I think thats the only post-apocalyptic book i've read.
I'm currently reading "Deathlands: Dectra Chain", its book 7 in the series I think. It's a pretty good series and probably the closest I have found to a fallout type world.

I like to read books in the same genre as what game I am currently playing (Fallout New Vegas). It's a bit harder to find books in the post apocolyptic setting than for fantasy medievals.

I also read a book called "Endworld:The Fox Run" by David Robbins, which is pretty similar as well. I'm not sure I liked it as much as Deathlands but I wanted to try something new because Deathlands feels a bit repetitive after a few novels since the stories change but the basic plot seems to always be the same. I have only read the first book so far though and I will probably get a couple more.

I also have "Doomsday Warrior" by Ryder Stacy but have not read it yet...Any opinions on that one? Is it similar to fallout as well?

GraphicAudio has done the Doomsday Warrior and Deathlands series both complete with audio effects, pretty cool stuff..

I bought Dectra Chain on MP3, around 12 bucks a book which is a pretty good deal considering they add music and sound effects and naration of the book. Very good voice acting and effects so far to be honest.
Alas, Babylon. about a group of people living post-apocalypse in fLorida. Pat FRank is simplistic, but he provides a really deep concept.
Yeah this has probably already been mentioned before, but The Stand is an excellent post-apocalyptic book :D
Also happens to be one of my most favorite books :)
One of King's best in my opinion :)
Anniealbertpage said:
Alas, Babylon. about a group of people living post-apocalypse in fLorida. Pat FRank is simplistic, but he provides a really deep concept.

Great book, 1st post-apoc book I ever read. Dated material though, written when black people still had to drink from different water fountains in the south.