Dr Fallout
Since I have a war history fetish I love the parallels between the NCR and World War II America. So I don't mind them being "mainstreamed" at all because I love World War II stuff.
Aradesh does mention someone called Dharma, you're right. In real life there's no actual person named Dharma, Dharma is a philosophy taught by Buddha that is used by Buddhists, Hinduists, and apparently Jainists. I believe this is because Aradesh possibly read about Dharma and thought it was talking about a person, not an idea. That, or he thought Buddha was named Dharma. It could simply be him misinterpreting what he was reading.
Think of it like Saint Monica's Church in FO3. The real Saint Monica and FO3's Saint Monica have many similarities, such as both of them were sold into slavery and their sons became slave masters, with the sons being forgiven by their mothers (in real life, Saint Monica's son became a saint himself), but there are differences. For example, the real Saint Monica had a relatively normal upbringing. In FO3, Saint Monica was a human woman that was birthed by a ghoul mother and a ghoul father. Little misinterpretations or addons like that are probably what made Aradesh think Dharma was a person and not an idea.
I like WW2 (I love studying the sadly forgotten Eastern Front, due to my nationality and an interest in the bloodiest, biggest and some of the most important battles during the war) but I like originality better.
Possibly, or maybe there was a prophet that named himself Dharma and traveled the wasteland, teaching the laws? It's a nice little explanation that explains why he would refer to him as a person. I kind of get the feeling he died from radscorpions before he spread the word further.