@ Dude101
This was a pleasant surprise. Thanks a lot for the news post, we really appreciate it
@ PaladinHeart
A fair point mate. It's hard to please everyone especially when it comes to controls. There are very few games out there that get it right and most of the time they don't let you mess with the settings too much.
There were a few reasons why we chose this camera setup. Mainly it was the fact that we really want players to enjoy their surroundings and play the game the way they prefer it rather than force a particular design decision on them.
For those that do not particularly care for the fancy camera controls there will be a set of configuration options that will allow players to setup camera behavior to their preference. For example you will be able to set rotation angle increments, rotation speed, enable/disable ease in/out, set scroll speed etc. So, if you wanted you could just set the rotation angle so that you only get three view points at 120 degree increments. And you would only rotate the camera when absolutely necessary. You could also disable all the fancy smoothness so the camera would just snap into place at the specified angles.
That said, there was one other reason we went with the free camera and that's combat. With the ability to examine your immediate surroundings from any point of view you will be able to find cover from stronger enemies while still keeping a decent line of sight to take out the weaker ones (if you live long enough that is). Thus being able to rotate the camera freely will become an essential tactical advantage over your enemies.
And you will need all the help you can get, AI players will use cover, lob grenades through windows (why waste precious ammo if they can just bring the whole damn building down on your ass), use cover fire, shoot through walls when possible (which is most of the time really), and pretty much use every other dirty little trick they can to kill you.
PS: I hated that game too. Can't remember why though
@ Everyone
Thanks a lot for your support fellas, it's what keeps us going. We are trying our best to get this thing ready by the end of the summer so stay tunned for more updates soon.