Powdered FEV, Buy it in your Local store (pic)


Night Watchman
Staff member

I saw it today. Apparently it is some kind of a dietary supplement for athletes. Lawl.
Perhaps they should add a warning.

"Large doses can result in increased muscle and nerve tissue, sterility, and possible loss of intelligence." ;)
I think the increased muscle and maybe nerve tissue is the intention. Not sure about the others, but they might happen.
They got to have bigger nerves so people can get on them more often? ;)

They should scatter some bags of this as an "easter egg" in Fallout 3 to explain the innovative body build of the East Coast supermutants :>
Iirc, the loss of intelligence is proportionate to how much radiation was on you at the time you were dipped, so you can pretty much scratch that out of the warning. However, you should add "May cause pigment-related disorders and severe deformity".
That and the FEV are cinda same; both increase muscle, but they may have some... unwanted effects.