Power Armor T-51b 1:1 papercraft model

juniorkm7 said:
Do you need an 3d model to create Tactics APA mkI helmet? Could you make it from scratch using photos and screenshots?

The pepakura program is based on importing a 3D model and making it into a 2D template to assemble.

A 3D modeler could make a 3D model based on what you mentioned but pep itself can't use that info. Just makes it a hell of a lot easier if there is a 3D model for pep because scaling and unfolding in pep is enough work already. :P

Pure scratch build would probably be possible. Have you seen MightyJohn's scratch T-46D on the Bethesda forums? Looks really professional.

The advantage to pep is that you get the model proportions and symmetry perfect.

Vikeif said:
yea sigma that's the one i originally downloaded, i like toudi's better though, its higher res and has the range finder :D

Same resolution (based on the same source model), different minimum fold angle (we call it smoothing a model in pep)

But the rangefinder is pretty boss, just can't imagine how the heck you would fiberglass it.

oh come on! Stop pounding the guy with shit from tictacs and fallout 3.

@toudi_sk How is your progress on your T-51b?
turned to stand-by and waiting for rest of armor and meantime build
Esy's beta papercraft model of Warthog 1:25 from HALO

Can't believe no fans saw this to point it out...

range finder.. wrong side. Least your helmet is unique that way - but for "game like" it needs to be on the right side of the helmet. (the monocle lookin thing that slides down over the eye)

Or maybe your left handed, and being left handed means your guns in the opposite side- which means you use your left eye to aim - which means the rangefinder is in the proper side for you.

Also- pepakura is well used for armor/costume making - what you do is make it out of semi-heavy weight paper - then let that glue dry, then resin it lightly, then use fiberglass to reinforce (of course planning for extra inside so your head still fits)

most of the projects come out rock hard and very durable, but you have to spend a lot of time getting the paper set up right so it's not deformed BEFORE you resin it into permanent place.

Well done, I would of skimpped on the paper hoses and just bought some to use. lol.
All Pepakura files have to be read by the Pepakura program "Pepakura Designer". :mrgreen: It's preferable to use the base .pdo file instead of a PDF print so you can scale it to your body before printing it. That way you can get a perfect fit.

Pepakura Designer 3 can be downloaded for free at http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/download/download.html

Adjust the assembled height to scale the piece. I'd suggest 31-33 cm for the T-51b.