Pre-Day 1 DLC has arrived...

Irwin John Finster

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Perhaps someone here that plays ARK: Survival Evolved can shed some light on this. Ark, a game that is still in Early Access Alpha (and has been for a very long time) has now released paid DLC.

We have now arrived in the era of pre-Day 1 DLC. Welcome everyone.

Does anyone here play this game and if so, what is the current state of the game and what is the deal with this DLC?

I find these permanently-Early Access Alpha games to be ridiculous. I've been waiting to hear about Day-Z getting released only to find out it's essentially abandoned.
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I haven't played it but I've heard it's poorly optimised. Whatever you do, don't go to the game's steam community hub. The droves who have turned up to defend this steaming, anti-consumer pile will blow your mind. And I mean literally.

It just amazes me how the gaming industry gets simultaneously worse and more popular.
I haven't played it but I've heard it's poorly optimised. Whatever you do, don't go to the game's steam community hub. The droves who have turned up to defend this steaming, anti-consumer pile will blow your mind. And I mean literally.

It just amazes me how the gaming industry gets simultaneously worse and more popular.

That's due to exploitation of the fanbase. Companies have worked out that their fans will defend anything, and so take advantage of them.
This also comes from streamlining modern games to increase sales.
Most people who play these games seem to do it only to dick around with their friends and troll other players. I doubt they care that much about the finished status of the game, or the gaming industry in general.
That's due to exploitation of the fanbase. Companies have worked out that their fans will defend anything, and so take advantage of them.
Yea No Man's Sky was the latest, biggest example of that. You couldn't even report about game delays without receiving serious threats. Why even bother with marketing when kids on redit or fanboy forums will do it for free?

Most people who play these games seem to do it only to dick around with their friends and troll other players. I doubt they care that much about the finished status of the game, or the gaming industry in general.
I've noticed these permanently-Early Access Alpha games have a nomadic fanbase that just moves from one Early Access survival game to the next without ever actually receiving a finished game. It's really odd.

The reviews for DayZ and ARK recently says it all - the games are either abandoned entirely or the developers see the money coming in and decide to do a bunch of crap that doesn't involve making a finished, solid, stable game. DayZ should have been a finished release a while ago, and Ark should at least be close by now. People have like 2000 hours in Ark so it must be good in some way, but there's no way I'm buying Early Access Alphas that are releasing pre-day 1 DLCs. Finish the game first mate!
So then.... Why don't they just play minecraft?

Maybe they're always looking for the next big title, just like how dedicated MMO players always try out the newest MMO in hopes it'll be the sacing grace of the genre.

Besides, Minecraft is a different type of game as far as I know.
@Irwin John Finster From what I have gathered, as a former player I do still follow the game somewhat. There was a $40 million lawsuit on the company itself and they produced the dlc to recoop those losses. I personally still think it is a horseshit move on their part. I still need to cite sources on that but that is the mermuring I've heard. As for the state of the game it sounds like they are far from in terms of the amount of dinos they want to include and the new map was orginally planned as a biome for the original map. Such a shame. Since I was a kid I wanted a dino for a pet and this was my chance virtually but these types of games havr fan bases that get incredibly toxic insanely fast.
Perhaps someone here that plays ARK: Survival Evolved can shed some light on this. Ark, a game that is still in Early Access Alpha (and has been for a very long time) has now released paid DLC.

We have now arrived in the era of pre-Day 1 DLC. Welcome everyone.

Does anyone here play this game and if so, what is the current state of the game and what is the deal with this DLC?

I find these permanently-Early Access Alpha games to be ridiculous. I've been waiting to hear about Day-Z getting released only to find out it's essentially abandoned.

The only game like this i've touched was Nether and i regret it.. I will try escape from Tarkov when it is released but that's not even 100% certain yet.

Dat-Z did get a quite big uppdate recently? I think Summit1g was playing it like a month ago.
I liked the look of day-z but so glad i din't buy it. But yeah its the system maes them lazy they have all the money already so there not fussed. Why people say good to support the developers i never know when they don't give you a finished game
I liked the look of day-z but so glad i din't buy it. But yeah its the system maes them lazy they have all the money already so there not fussed. Why people say good to support the developers i never know when they don't give you a finished game
Me too. DayZ had a lot of promise. Early Access has gotten really stupid.

Also I just realized, Pre-Day 1 DLC technically arrived with the latest Hitman game. They sold that game in installments lol. And of course it was published by Square Enix just like the new Deus Ex with its microtransactions.
Is the new hitman game any good? Been a fan since silent assassin I'd hate to see another franchise go down the tubes.
Is the new hitman game any good? Been a fan since silent assassin I'd hate to see another franchise go down the tubes.
The steam reviews are saying that if you bought the game piece by piece with Square Enix's stupid macrotransaction scheme or whatever then they can't access the bonus content they are supposed to have.

In other words people who bought the game despite Square Enix's ridiculous pricing scheme are getting screwed even more. I refuse to play the game just like I probably will ignore Deus Ex Mankind Divided until it's the same price as one of their stupid singleplayer microtransactions.
It as absolutely gone down the fucking shitter I think they should be banned ect people should boycott. There are literally getting away with being so dodgy they really should get punished for that kind of bullshit. Metal gear has gone down the shitter to with metal gear cancer