Von Drunky
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Hey I noticed this location on the world map "Primitive Tribe" its been a while and my FO2 cd stopped working so i cant check it out for my self. Is this a random encounter or is it always there (Sulks's tribe?). anyway i was hopping someone can get me screen shots so i can get a feel for it also are there any special items or quests one can get acquire there?
Also there is a place called the Abbey i have never noticed that either if someone can get me screen shots for that it would be great. DO you need really high outdoors skills?
and What is EPA? just when you thought you been everywhere man.
Also there is a place called the Abbey i have never noticed that either if someone can get me screen shots for that it would be great. DO you need really high outdoors skills?
and What is EPA? just when you thought you been everywhere man.