Probably false rumors: Fallout 4 to be set in Boston


But best title ever!
We weren't initially planning on covering the Fallout 4 rumors that have been surfacing recently because so far there's nothing indicating they have more credibility than the claims of other dozens of anonymous users on the Internet, but they're picking up enough traction to push us to at least acknowledge them.

So, there you have it, a Reddit user called "Fallout4Boston" is claiming that Bethesda has chosen the location for the next Fallout title and that it will be Boston, which will presumably house the mysterious Institute everyone seemed to be foreshadowing in Fallout 3:<blockquote>The rumors are true, Fallout 4 will take place in Boston. In case you haven't heard, Bethesda has recently been scoping out and researching Boston. They also have a strong connection to MIT. I may or may not be an MIT employee. But that's really all I can say for fear of losing my job.
I am telling you it will take place in Boston. Whether you believe me or not, how do you feel about a Fallout Boston?
</blockquote>And another user has been backing the claims:<blockquote>I've been hearing reports from people in the Boston area, where my fellow Fallout-obsessed brother lives, that Bethesda has been in the Boston area doing initial research for Fallout 4. It's highly speculative, but the main rumors surround Bethesda's connection to "The Institute", or what we call the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or M.I.T..
M.I.T., although in populated Cambridge and just across the river from Boston proper, still has a small-town feel when it comes to the way news propagates through the community. It is students and staff at M.I.T. that seem to be the ones talking the most about it, and they would be in a position to know. I wouldn't be surprised, at all, if the rumors prove to be true in coming weeks.
Just thought I'd share! I'm not confirming anything, but all signs point to yes.
</blockquote>Regardless of the credibility of the sources, I wouldn't be surprised if the title was set in Boston: both Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas foreshadowed their DLC locations pretty heavily in-game, and the Institute seems to be that one location that hasn't really been touched upon so far, most likely because it was being kept for a full-fledged sequel.

Thanks Duck and Cover.
I wouldn't be jumping for joy at this. The Institute and the Railway already felt badly out of place in Fallout 3, let alone when you make it the focal point of a game's setting. They're really thundering to post-post-apocalypse anyway, so it won't be that weird to see Fallout 4 even more divorced from the originals setting-wise.
I wouldn't be jumping for joy at this. The Institute and the Railway already felt badly out of place in Fallout 3, let alone when you make it the focal point of a game's setting. They're really thundering to post-post-apocalypse anyway, so it won't be that weird to see Fallout 4 even more divorced from the originals setting-wise.

I thought that Fallout 3 looked remarkably post-apoc for a region that's faced them bombs 200 years ago. After a time, the world needs to evolve a bit not to feel static. I get that the core Fallout experience is supposed to be more like the first game, but the setting is so developped now that nothing short of a catastrophe (or in F3's case, a ridiculous case of collective apathy) could put it back in post-apoc as I see it.

And yeah, the Railway was pretty stupid. Are there enough stray androids in the Capital Wasteland that a group of people devote their entire lives to helping them? The Institute, we'll see how it plays out. Could be that the place itself is doing fine, but everything around it is still a wasteland. Assuming the rumor is even true in the first place.
Bah, Boston. Why not in Florida?! They could call it Fallout - Vice City.

Anyway, I didn't think anything more of the "Institute" while playing FO3 other than, "Hmm, wonder what's over there". I'd of assumed if it (The Institute) had a larger bearing on FO3, why they just didn't make it a DLC location. But to make a game soley on M.I.T......

Rumors are Rumors
The "sci-fi" theme has been played out a lot with pretty much every Fallout game, so I can't say I'm particularly enthusiastic, assuming that the rumor is true (and the source isn't exactly the most credible ever), but hopefully it means they'll focus on their own factions and lore this time around.

Also, I thought Bethesda was great at depicting a raw post-apocalyptic setting visually, though they were really bad at developing it as a credible world, so I don't know how much productive it would be to move away from that.

Ilosar said:
I thought that Fallout 3 looked remarkably post-apoc for a region that's faced them bombs 200 years ago. After a time, the world needs to evolve a bit not to feel static. I get that the core Fallout experience is supposed to be more like the first game, but the setting is so developped now that nothing short of a catastrophe (or in F3's case, a ridiculous case of collective apathy) could put it back in post-apoc as I see it.

Well, it's not that unbelievable that different parts of the country would develop differently, though Bethesda didn't make much of an effort to explore the reasons why and make the setting credible. Even putting incidental dialogue between NPCs that explained that they were trying to grow crops but failed, putting some logs here and there, and showing that the people in the Capital Wasteland are trying but struggling, with people braving the wastes to reach other more developed places like the Institute (hey, look, more foreshadowing!) would have gone a long way. It's not like Bethesda is untalented at developing new lore (though they definitely are at dialogue) so I'm always confused at how they managed to botch Fallout 3 so badly.

I still consider it to be a fun game, just not a good Fallout title.
WorstUsernameEver said:
I still consider it to be a fun game, just not a good Fallout title.

I really should go back to it at some point and play it as a "game" and not a "Fallout game". I really didn't get far in it all because the writing was bad ("Nice Hat" :|) and the quests were dumb and it didn't feel like Fallout. But maybe if I play it as "Bethesda Post-apocalyptic RPG", I would be able to keep playing it. :p
If this is true, it's starting to look like the sims, they have clearly ran out of juices. This conveyor belt system of pushing games with number in their titles is just a bad idea and a plague of the industry. On top of that, it seems like all bethesdas games are primarely and firstly based on the area and then they shove in a story that fits their needs. It's easy to see why none of their games are captivating, apart from the eye candy and funny youtube clips. Truly the rednecks of the gaming industry :irked:
If Beth is smart, they could potentially make something out of the Railway. Problem is, they aren't.
As for the Institute, it sounds okay.

Wouldn't expect much from a Fallout 3 sequel, anyway.
Olympic Marketing

Olympic Marketing

Has this ever crawled into consciousness,

this week.

Consider the lucrative potential,

B-Soft accepting bids on the F-4 locale.

Product placement living large.

Grind that into the rumor sausage.

Pump up the buzz!!1!

Beelzebud said:
Maybe they can farm Avellone out to write something good for it.

Hopefully, this would not be the FO3 spiritual successor, as I simply would not make myself play through it (I barely managed to play through FO3 after several years).

But, considering Skyrim was a big success in my view (and a huge step forward from Oblivion), I reckon FO4 has all chances to be at least as enjoyable.
AskWazzup said:
If this is true, it's starting to look like the sims, they have clearly ran out of juices. This conveyor belt system of pushing games with number in their titles is just a bad idea and a plague of the industry. On top of that, it seems like all bethesdas games are primarely and firstly based on the area and then they shove in a story that fits their needs. It's easy to see why none of their games are captivating, apart from the eye candy and funny youtube clips. Truly the rednecks of the gaming industry :irked:

poty imo.

I was just thinking something along those lines with skyrim.
Brother None said:
The Institute and the Railway already felt badly out of place in Fallout 3, let alone when you make it the focal point of a game's setting.

I'm not entirely sure how it felt out of place... I felt it slid in just fine. Heck, I didn't even make much of a deal about it when I played through the game.
There will be a Red Sox gang in the vein of The Baseball Furies. And lots of references to David E. Kelley shows. And the accents will be strong enough to strangle a bear. I got this information from the janitor of the Steakhouse that Bethesda's employees hate most but they have good coupon deals every Friday.
Don't matter none how post apocalyptic everything is, there's ammo and meds and working diesel powered generators everywhere, it's all a joke.

That aside, I've never been to the US, and don't know Boston, but if it's like this, then I see plenty of reason to celebrate, if you're one of those who likes Bethesda's Fallout.

List of features:
- Morrowind's engine (aka no shadows)
- Break-dancing mutants (aka VATS);
- ammo and meds everywhere;
- combat at every corner;
- [intelligence] tags for dialog;

And no shadows, obviously.

On thing I'm curious about though. After their successful venture with Skyrim in terms of dumbing games down and making them better in the process (which is, I should say, a first for Bethesda), will they dumb Fallout down even more. I'm genuinely curious about that.
Actually, the Skyrim engine does feature shadows and there is no reason not to believe that the engine will get some more tweaks for the next game.
Lexx said:
Actually, the Skyrim engine does feature shadows and there is no reason not to believe that the engine will get some more tweaks for the next game.

I agree. At the very least the game should look alright. I'm not sure about the rest yet unless Obsidian has some input or Bethesda steals their ideas.

I would prefer they take a solid story and then build the location around that, instead of the other way around.