Problem with money (BOSscrip and ring pulls)


Author of FOT mod THE SUM
Hi all!

At this time, I can say I tested a lot the two different currencies of Fallout Tactics. And I still have problems to figure out how they actually work. If somebody has more details on how they work and some ideas on how they could work better (or be fixed), I would be happy to have some pointers here.

At this point, I think/know that :
1. What determine if it is either a "BOSScrip" or a "ring pull" is the entity filename.
2. If you check the "barter in BOSScrip" option of an entity, he.she will refuse ring pulls, and if you don't he.she will refuses BOSScrip. There is no way to bring an entity to accept both currencies.
3. There is a behaviour that divide the value of the objects you offer when the person you are bartering with has already some of these items. But that person don't seem to be affected by this behaviour. His.her stuff is always "full" price.
4. For no apparent reason, #3 behaviour seem to affect ring pulls too, maybe even BOSScrip. The effect of this is for you to have completely worthless money most of the time, specially if very high numbers are involved.

I think we should look for these two fixes for the game to be more enjoyable :

1. Disable division of price behaviour specifically for BOSScrip and Ring Pulls.
2. Enable the division of price behaviour for the NPC you are bartering with too. It would mean that you get a rebate when you get stuff in bulk or successfully convinced the NPC that you don't need the items (you already have many of them), but can help him.her get rid of those in bulk. It would help a player that want to start a "collection", like get A LOT of stimpacks.
Well, it works as expected. If a merchant has lot of some stuff, why would he buy more (in a game where there is no simulation of supply and demand so you can't tell how much desired an item is). If you want to sell hunting rifle #465, you better find a merchant that doesn't already have 20 of them. If there are hundreds of rifles in an area with hundreds of inhabitants, it sure is worthless.

Of course we could argue the merchant should sell it at lowered price, but then again, the NPC doesn't know the worth of the item. If you want a merchant that has a steady supply of something, you either increase the amount of items he has in his inventory or you create some difficult resupply mechanism through scripts and/or item spawning. Or you use easy quartermaster mechanism and barter is BOS scrip, but every such merchant has the same list of items, so you can't use it "worldwide".
In my current campaign (I am never going to finish with my pace :|) there are several small merchants, so you can sell your stuff at full price for longer, although you have to run around.
Oh sorry no I think you understood wrong my propostions here. I don't want this lowered price behaviour to disappear, I would just like it to never affect BOSscrip and Ringpulls only. To make 100 or 1000 of these currencies always worth 100 or 1000. It is a currency afterward, so there is no debate on their value normally: one is one. This said, maybe I made a mistake somewhere, like it already works that way and I broke it somewhere?
Now I understand it even less than before... :) The value of money is the same, you're not trading ring pulls for ring pulls. You're trading items for it. And the price of those items changes as their quantity rises. If two merchants are buying a stimpak for 100, you're going to sell it for 100 to both of them the first time. If you sell 20 stimpaks to one, you're still going to sell it for 100 to the second merchant that has no stimpak.
If you put money to the barter pool, it will always increase the value of transaction 1:1, on either sides.
Ok, I must have something wrong in my mod's files then, what a crappy/buggy engine sometimes... In my mod, I place let say 100 ring pulls on the barter table and their value is like 10 or even 0. Same for BOSScrip. I don't use quartermaster for trading, just regular guys, but yeah, I give 100 BOSScrip too and their value still is extremely low... Not even close to 1:1 :(
I applied Melindil's "free quartermaster" patch. I am wondering if this is causing the problem...