Problen in the uprising


First time out of the vault
How can i open the door in the random encounter Uprising?
Ive killed the guards, but nothing happens. Tried to pick the lock with an electrolocpic with a lockpick of 150%, but : That does nothing
Well, the thing is: you CAN'T open those damned doors, even if you would have a lockpick skill of, let's say, 200% or more. And, by the way, I think that by killing the two guards in front of that door, you actually lower your reputation in the BoS. That's all you can do in the Uprising encounter.
It's a reference to the old BOS bunker in Fallout 1.

You can't open the door, and there's nothing behind it (check in the editor if you don't believe me! :P)
HerbertWest said:
How can i open the door in the random encounter Uprising?
Ive killed the guards, but nothing happens. Tried to pick the lock with an electrolocpic with a lockpick of 150%, but : That does nothing

there is nothing in that enounter at all, unless you want those Vindicators bad.