Proeliator of Clementia


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
It had been ten long years since the victory at the Damn, and blood soaked years at that. But that was the price to be paid. After the Damn the Mojave fell in a matter of days, with the help of the Omertas and the White Glove Vegas fell without a fight, though Lianus wanted to systematically kill anything that could offer any resistance Caesar wanted a city that would be worthy of being the capital of the human race rather than just another scorched pile of ruins.

Resistance from the majority of the NCR soldiers in the area was minimal. Most fleeing for their lives after seeing the feared rangers being nailed to the side of Hoover Damn, their screams echoing the death of everything they fought for.

The NCR tried to regroup but was unable to. This was partly because the NCR senate that would have picked another president along with the vice president was killed in the nuclear fire that the courier had unleashed upon the Republic.

The conquest of California though bloody, was surprisingly quick. Within one year the capital fell, within two all cities and towns were under legion protection. This was partly out of the martial might of the Legion, and partly out of the fear what happened to cities that refused surrender.