Project Nevada vs Jsawyer


First time out of the vault
Hi there guys!

I want to play New Vegas with more difficulty level, like classics ones...

Which one of these mods makes the game more harsh? Jsawyer or Project Nevada (rebalanc module)?

If you want the game to remain somewhat true to the original, then JSawyer mod. If you don't mind heavy changes to the gameplay, then Project Nevada.
I would not necessarily suggest either, personally, but JSawyer is not a super annoying thing (Like PN should be, though I never actually tried it).
Well, if you are asking if your game will crash or something... no. But the one mod will overwrite most of the shit in the other mod. So it makes little sense to use both at once.
Dammit, even if I just install the Core, Cyberware and Weapons module, without touching the Rebalancement? From what I've gathered those three don't change jsawyer's edited values.
It just depends on the load order, you could put the Jsawyer patch ahead of Project Nevada.

Do you know how to navigate Fallout edit? It's a lot easier than one might think to check for conflicts, fix overlapping stat changes and create a merged patch that prevents all your patches from crashing.
You can make the game plenty harsh with PN. The rebalance module lets you change hp and weight values based on levels and stats equally. As well as exp, damages, vats, bullet time, AP, etc. I haven't use jsawyer. But most of what it does can be accomplished with PN and other common mods. Rather than trying to make those two compatible.
I would honestly just mess around with the settings in Project Nevada's rebalance module. You can achieve almost everything that any game balance mod on the Nexus tries to achieve, and still maintain compatability with most things as nearly every mod has a Project Nevada patch. I'm not sure how many things out there are "fully compatible" with JSawyer yet.
Sorry for the bump, didn't want to make a new thread. How much more difficult does JSawyer mod make the dlcs? Just curious because I was thinking of using this mod.
JSawyer if you want more of a classic RPG experience, Project Nevada if you want a more modern FPS feel to it.

I would personally use Realistic Weapon Damages over Project Nevada, though, as bullet-time and sprinting kind of casualize the game, considering there is no consequence for having low AP.
I would personally, choose a mix of "A MAD World" and "Project Nevada".
Then put the game on Hardcore mode.

They usually improve immersion, if you add a ENB, preferably Dynamo, Nevada skies, 4K textures and a proper GPU. A last thing i need for this is a VR mod, or something like that.

If you really want difficulty, trying playing DUST with the JSawyer mod and A MAD World.
You'll regret it, but it's more of a personal opinion and how you look at it.